Save this file as "aveOpacity.cpp". Compile using Cutter.
To use this rslplugin in a shader source code file,
plugin "aveOpacity"; // or specify the full path to the .so
surface plugtest(string dataName = "")
Oi = Os; // fancy opacity stuff goes here!
Ci = Oi * Cs; // fancy coloration goes here!
if(dataName != "")
aveOpacity(Oi, area(P, "dicing"), dataName);
For RenderMan Studio
Put the compiled plugin into your maya/projects/RMS_rslplugin directory.
In your maya/projects/RMS_ini/slim.ini file set the ShaderCompiler pref
as follows,
SetPref ShaderCompiler "shader -I[GetEnv HOME]/maya/projects/RMS_rslplugins -I%I -%D -C %f"
or use this,
SetPref ShaderCompiler [list $RMANTREE/bin/shader \
-I[GetEnv HOME]/maya/projects/RMS_rslplugins \
-I$RMSTREE/lib/shaders \
-I$RMSTREE/lib/slim/include \
-I$RMSTREE/lib/rfm/rsl \
-C %f]
Also, add the same directory (ie. "maya/projects/RMS_rslplugins") to the
workspace's "shader" search path.
Malcolm Kesson
March 2010
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "RslPlugin.h"
extern "C" {
static FILE *file = NULL;
static int count = 0;
static float totalR = 0,
totalG = 0,
totalB = 0;
static float totalArea = 0;
RixMutex *dataLock = NULL;
// init
// Called at startup
void init(RixContext *ctx)
RixThreadUtils *lockFactory = (RixThreadUtils *)ctx->GetRixInterface(k_RixThreadUtils);
dataLock = lockFactory->NewMutex();
// cleanup
// Called at shutdown
void cleanup(RixContext *ctx)
delete dataLock;
if(count > 0) {
fprintf(file, "%1.3f %1.3f %1.3f\n", totalR/count,totalG/count,totalB/count);
fprintf(file, "%1.3f\n", totalArea);
fprintf(file, "%d\n", count);
// aveOpacity
// Main function
RSLEXPORT int aveOpacity (RslContext* rslContext, int argc, const RslArg* argv[])
RslPointIter colorArg(argv[1]);
RslFloatIter floatArg(argv[2]);
RslStringIter fileName(argv[3]);
if(file == NULL) {
file = fopen(*fileName, "w");
int numVals = argv[0]->NumValues();
for (int i = 0; i < numVals; ++i) {
totalR += (*colorArg)[0];
totalG += (*colorArg)[1];
totalB += (*colorArg)[2];
totalArea += *floatArg;
return 0;
static RslFunction myFunctions[] = {
{ "void aveOpacity(color,float,string)", aveOpacity,init,cleanup },
RSLEXPORT RslFunctionTable RslPublicFunctions = myFunctions;
}; // extern "C"