There are situations where (primary) geometry in a Maya scene can be used as a source of data
from which secondary geometries can be derived. Such geometry might be
used to augment the original Maya object(s) or the geometry might be "exported" from Maya in
a format that enables it to be rendered by an external (stand-alone)
renderer such as Pixar's prman.
Core Code
This section provides the basic code used by the "query geometry" examples
presented in this tutorial.
Getting the Coordinates of Vertices
Several of the sample scripts query a polymesh
in order to get the xyz coordinates of its vertices or selected vertices. The following proc,
getVertices() ,
performs the query and assigns the data to an array of vectors.
Getting the Coordinates of Smoothed Normals
It is often necessary to find the interpolated (ie. smoothed) normal at each
vertex, or selected vertex, of a polymesh. The following proc,
getNormals() ,
performs the query and assigns the data to an array of vectors.
Several of the sample scripts also use the following code, in one form or
another, to write a text file to a directory in the Maya project folder.
The name of the output file, and its file extension, will depend on the use
that will be made of the data.
string $projPath = `workspace -q -rootDirectory`;
string $path = $projPath + "data/temp.mel";
int $fileid = fopen($path, "w");
// Assume "pos" is an array of xyz values...
fprint($fileid, $pos[0] + " " + $pos[1] + " " + $pos[2] + "\n");
fclose $fileid;
Example 3 queries a curve at regular intervals to determine the
coordinates of points along the curve. The next snippet of Mel code demonstrates
the basic technique of performing such a query.
global proc getCurveData(string $tnode, float $step, vector $data[]) {
int $count = size($data);
string $part;
float $pos[];
int $spans = `getAttr ($tnode + ".spans")`;
for($i = 0.0;$i <= 1.0;$i = $i + $step) {
$pos = `pointOnCurve -pr ($i * $spans) -p $tnode`;
$data[$count] = <<$pos[0], $pos[1], $pos[2]>>;
vector $data[];
getCurveData("curve1", 0.005, $data);
for($i = 0; $i < size($data); $i++) {
vector $pos = $data[$i];
print($pos.x + " " + $pos.y + " " + $pos.z + "\n");
The next code sample is the Mel equivalent of the python code that queries
particle positions - listings 4.2, 4.4 and 6. It is provided here merely to
demonstrate how such a query is done using Mel.
global proc getParticleData(string $tnode, vector $data[])
int $count = size($data);
string $part;
float $pos[];
int $num = `particle -q -ct particle1`;
for($n = 0; $n < $num; $n++) {
$part = $tnode + ".pt[" + $n + "]";
$pos = `getParticleAttr -at position $part`;
$data[$count] = <<$pos[0], $pos[1], $pos[2]>>;
vector $data[];
getParticleData("particle1", $data);
for($i = 0; $i < size($data); $i++) {
vector $pos = $data[$i];
print($pos.x + " " + $pos.y + " " + $pos.z + "\n");