# mocap_db.py
# Two convenience classes useful for reading and storing data read
# from a mocap data (.txt) sourced from,
# http://accad.osu.edu/research/mocap/mocap_data.htm
# Useage:
# ___________________________________________________
# from mocap_db import MoCapDB
# db = MoCapDB('PATH_TO_MOCAP_DATA_FILE', 0.01)
# coords = db.getMarkerData(2, 1, 10, 1)
# # Do something with the coordinates of the marker (index 2)
# # for frames 1 to 10.
# ___________________________________________________
# Malcolm Kesson
# October 27 2012
# Nov 5 2012 - additional error checking, swapping z/y coords.
# Mar 1 2016 - additional bounding box methods added.
# Stores a column of coordinates read from a mocap data (.txt) file.
# Instances of this class are used by the MoCapDB class.
class MoCapMarker:
SCALE = 1.0
MIN = 10000000.0
MAX = -10000000.0
ERROR = '-9999.99'
def __init__(self, identifier):
self.name = identifier
self.data = [] # a list of lists of xyz values
def getname(self):
return self.name
def append(self, x,y,z):
if (x == MoCapMarker.ERROR or
y == MoCapMarker.ERROR or
z == MoCapMarker.ERROR):
# Note we swap the y and z coordinates
self.data.append( [float(x) * MoCapMarker.SCALE,
float(z) * MoCapMarker.SCALE,
float(y) * MoCapMarker.SCALE] )
def getdata(self, frame):
if len(self.data) == 0:
return []
return self.data[frame]
def getBbox(self):
minx = miny = minz = MoCapMarker.MIN
maxx = maxy = maxz = MoCapMarker.MAX
if len(self.data) == 0:
return []
for coords in self.data:
if len(coords) == 0:
return []
minx = min(minx, coords[0])
miny = min(miny, coords[1])
minz = min(minz, coords[2])
maxx = max(maxx, coords[0])
maxy = max(maxy, coords[1])
maxz = max(maxz, coords[2])
return [minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz]
class MoCapDB:
def __init__(self, datafile, scaling):
MoCapMarker.SCALE = scaling
# Read the mocap date file
f = open(datafile, 'r')
data_in = f.readlines()
# Get the names of the markers from the first line of text.
text = data_in.pop(0)
items = text.split()[2:] # 'slice' the first two items
self.names = []
for n in range(0, len(items), 3):
self.names.append(items[n][0:-2]) # Ignore ':X',':Y',':Z'
self.frames = len(data_in) # Number of 'Fields'
self.markers = [] # Instances of MoCapMarker
self.bbox_width = 0 # x axis
self.bbox_height = 0 # y axis
self.bbox_length = 0 # z axis
# The input is a list of rows of data. Each row consists
# of list of coordinates - generally 120 values per line.
def getdata(self, data_in):
# Get instances of our MoCapMarker.Marker class
for name in self.names:
# Process each row of data and add the data to the markers.
for row in data_in:
data = row.split()[2:] # Ignore the values of Field & Time
index = 0
for n in range(0, len(data), 3):
self.markers[index].append(data[n], data[n+1], data[n+2])
index += 1
# Given a frame number, getFrameData() returns a list of
# of lists of the coordinates of all the markers for a specific
# frame of the performance.
def getFrameData(self, frame):
out = []
for m in self.markers:
data = m.getdata(frame)
if len(data) > 0:
return out
# Returns the bounding box of all the markers for a specific frame
# of the performance.
def getFrameBbox(self, frame):
minx = miny = minz = MoCapMarker.MIN
maxx = maxy = maxz = MoCapMarker.MAX
coords = self.getFrameData(frame)
for coord in coords:
if len(coord) == 0:
x,y,z = coord
minx = min(minx, x)
miny = min(miny, y)
minz = min(minz, z)
maxx = max(maxx, x)
maxy = max(maxy, y)
maxz = max(maxz, z)
return [minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz]
# Returns a list containing the coordinates of the
# center of the bounding box followed by its width,
# height and depth.
def getFrameDimensions(self, frame):
minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz = self.getFrameBbox(frame)
cx = minx # float(maxx - minx)/2
cy = miny #float(maxy - miny)/2
cz = minz #float(maxz - minz)/2
width = abs(maxx - minx)
height = abs(maxy - miny)
depth = abs(maxz - minz)
return [cx, cy, cz, width, height, depth]
# Given the index of a marker, getMarkerData() returns a list of
# coordinates for the specified frame range (begin to end).
def getMarkerData(self, index, begin, end, step):
out = []
marker = self.markers[index]
if begin == end:
end = begin + step
step = 1
for frame in range(begin, end, step):
data = marker.getdata(frame)
if len(data) > 0:
return out
# Returns a list of the names of the markers.
def getnames(self):
return self.names
# Returns the number of markers.
def nummarkers(self):
return len(self.markers)
# Returns the number of frames (ie. Fields).
def numframes(self):
return self.frames
# Returns the bounding box of the entire mocap performance.
def getBbox(self):
minx = miny = minz = MoCapMarker.MIN
maxx = maxy = maxz = MoCapMarker.MAX
for m in self.markers:
bbox = m.getBbox()
if len(bbox) > 0:
minx = min(minx, bbox[0])
miny = min(miny, bbox[1])
minz = min(minz, bbox[2])
maxx = max(maxx, bbox[3])
maxy = max(maxy, bbox[4])
maxz = max(maxz, bbox[5])
self.bbox_width = abs(maxx - minx)
self.bbox_height = abs(maxy - miny)
self.bbox_length = abs(maxz - minz)
return [minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz]