// sets up rib injection points and output channels so that a volume
// shader named "bakeGeoBrickmap" can bake a brickmap suitable for
// later use as geometry. Weaknesses/assumptions:
// we only wish to use channels Cs,Os,P,N
// a temporary pointcloud will be written to the project directory,
// the final brickmap will be written to data directory,
// the PATH environment variable points to $RMSTREE/bin.
// Malcolm Kesson August 22nd 2013
// March 5th 2014: Now writes and compiles the "bakeGeoBrickmap" shader.
// See, www.fundza.com/rms/bake_brickgeo/index.html
global proc clearBakeAttrs() {
setAttr -type "string"
renderManGlobals.rman__torattr___defaultRiAttributesScript "";
setAttr -type "string"
renderManGlobals.rman__torattr___postWorldBeginScript "";
setAttr -type "string"
renderManGlobals.rman__torattr___postRenderScript "";
// A reasonable value of maxerror is 0.002
global proc bakeGeoBrickmap(float $maxerror) {
if(attributeExists("rman__torattr___postWorldBeginScript","renderManGlobals") == 0) {
print("Please open the \"Advanced\" tab in the Render Settings window. This\n");
print("will cause the RfM plugin to create a RenderMan specific attribute\n");
print("that is needed in order to bake a pointcloud.\n");
string $rsl = "class bakeGeoBrickmap(string filename = \"\") {\n";
$rsl += "public void volume(output color Ci, Oi) {\n";
$rsl += " if (filename != \"\") {\n";
$rsl += " bake3d(filename, \"Cs,Os,P,N\", P, calculatenormal(P),\n";
$rsl += " \"Cs\", Ci, \"Os\", Oi, \"P\", P, \"N\", calculatenormal(P));\n";
$rsl += " }\n";
$rsl += " }\n";
$rsl += "}";
// 1 Ensure "bakeGeoBrickmap.slo" is in the project directory. If it isn't
// we save the RSL source file and compile it.
string $projpath = `workspace -q -rootDirectory`;
string $sloname = "bakeGeoBrickmap.slo";
string $slopath = $projpath + $sloname;
if(`file -q -exists $slopath` == 0) {
int $f = fopen($projpath + "bakeGeoBrickmap.sl", "w");
fprint($f, $rsl);
string $rmantree = getenv("RMANTREE");
string $compiler = "\"" + $rmantree + "/bin/shader\"";
print("Compiling: " + $compiler + " -o " + $slopath + " " + $projpath + "bakeGeoBrickmap.sl" + "\n");
system($compiler + " -o " + $slopath + " " + $projpath + "bakeGeoBrickmap.sl");
// Assign the volume shader
string $shdname = "bakeGeoBrickmap";
string $ptcname = "geobake_tmp.ptc";
string $atmosShader = "RiAtmosphere(\"" + $shdname + "\",\"string filename\",\"" + $ptcname + "\");";
setAttr -type "string" renderManGlobals.rman__torattr___postWorldBeginScript $atmosShader;
// Add channels
if(attributeExists("rman__torattr___class","bakeGeo_chan_cs") == 0)
rmanAddChannel("rmanFinalGlobals", "color Cs", "bakeGeo_chan_cs", 0);
if(attributeExists("rman__torattr___class","bakeGeo_chan_os") == 0)
rmanAddChannel("rmanFinalGlobals", "color Os", "bakeGeo_chan_os", 0);
if(attributeExists("rman__torattr___class","bakeGeo_chan_p") == 0)
rmanAddChannel("rmanFinalGlobals", "point P", "bakeGeo_chan_p", 0);
if(attributeExists("rman__torattr___class","bakeGeo_chan_n") == 0)
rmanAddChannel("rmanFinalGlobals", "normal N", "bakeGeo_chan_n", 0);
// Add baking attributes
string $attrs = "\\n";
$attrs += "Attribute \\\"cull\\\" \\\"hidden\\\" 0\\n";
$attrs += "Attribute \\\"cull\\\" \\\"backfacing\\\" 0\\n";
$attrs += "Attribute \\\"dice\\\" \\\"rasterorient\\\" 0\\n";
setAttr -type "string"
("RiArchiveRecord(\"comment\",\"" + $attrs + "\");");
// Create a path for the final brickmap
string $scene = `file -q -sceneName -shortName`;
if(size($scene) == 0)
$scene = "untitled";
int $frame = `currentTime -q`;
string $bkmname = $scene + "." + $frame + ".bkm";
string $bkmpath = "data/" + $bkmname;
// Create the brickmake command
string $cmd = "\\n";
$cmd += "System \\\"brickmake ";
$cmd += "-maxerror " + $maxerror + " -progress 2 -addpn 1 " + $ptcname + " ";
$cmd += $bkmpath;
$cmd += "\\\"\\n";
setAttr -type "string"
("RiArchiveRecord(\"comment\",\"" + $cmd + "\");");
print("bakeGeoBrickmap: >" + $cmd + "<\n");
// Render
print("bakeGeoBrickmap: Removed bake attributes.\n");