This tutorial presents a relatiely simple way of drawing a regular polgon with
any number of sides (greater than two). Figure 1 illustrates the approach which
is based on the observation that the distance (dist) of a point (P0) to the red
edge of the polygon is the same when P0 and the edge are rotated so that the edge
is aligned to the "vertical" axis. If the radius of the inscribed circle of
the polygon is known, it is trivial to calculate the distance of P1
to the rotated edge - shown below in blue.
To calculate the angle required to rotate the red line to the blue line we must know the "segment" in which point P0 is located. For example, figure 2 shows a regular pentagon consisting of 5 "segments" each of which have an interior angle of 72 degrees (360/5).
For the purpose of illustration point P defined by its polar coordinate of theta. Assuming theta is, say, 125 degrees then dividing it by the "interior" angle of 72 degrees gives a value of 1.74 which, after rounding down, indicates that P is "in" segment 1. interior_angle = 360.0 / number of sides segment = floor(theta / interior_angle) segment = floor(125.0 / 72.0) segment = 1
Because P is "in" segment 1 the angle required to rotate "edge 1" is, rotation = segment * interior angle + half_interior_angle rotation = 1 x 72 + 36 degrees rotation = 108 degrees
If the 'st' coordinates of P0 are, s = 0.2 t = 0.9 then its coordinates after rotation (P1) will be, s = 0.92 t = 0.68 If the size of the polygon is defined by its inscribed radius, say, 0.35, then the distance of P to edge 1 (figure 2) is, dist = abs(inscribed_radius - P1.s) dist = abs(0.35 - 0.68) dist = 0.33 If the distance is less than the thickness of the polgon edge then P should receive the foreground color, otherwise, it should be assigned the background color. Listing 1 - polygon.osl
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