global proc mesh2CloudRI()
// Get the names of the shape and transform nodes
string $shapeNode = `rman ctxGetObject`;
string $parents[] = `listRelatives -parent $shapeNode`;
string $tformNode = $parents[0];
// The values from the interface
string $attr;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "m2c_cache"`;
int $m2c_cache = `getAttr($shapeNode + "." + $attr)`;
// User has selected "Disable"
if($m2c_cache == 2) {
print("Blobby will not be generated - Disable is active");
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "m2c_size"`;
float $m2c_size = `getAttr($shapeNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "m2c_height"`;
float $m2c_height = `getAttr($shapeNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "m2c_jitter"`;
float $m2c_jitter = `getAttr($shapeNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "m2c_volume"`;
int $m2c_volume = `getAttr($shapeNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "m2c_previs"`;
int $m2c_previs = `getAttr($shapeNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "m2c_dup"`;
int $m2c_dup = `getAttr($shapeNode + "." + $attr)`;
if($m2c_dup < 1)
$m2c_dup = 1;
//--------- Primvars ----------------------------------
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "m2c_Prims0"`;
string $primStr0 = `getAttr($shapeNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "m2c_Prims1"`;
string $primStr1 = `getAttr($shapeNode + "." + $attr)`;
string $allPrims = $primStr0 + ";" + $primStr1;
// Cleanup...
$allPrims = substituteAllString($allPrims, "\"", " ");
$allPrims = substituteAllString($allPrims, "[", " ");
$allPrims = substituteAllString($allPrims, "]", " ");
string $names[] = getPrimvarNames($allPrims);
// Get the number of vertices of the polymesh
int $num[] = `polyEvaluate -v $tformNode`;
// The path to the rib file containing the description of the
// Blobby consists of "RIB_Archive" directory, the scene name,
// the shape name of the polymesh and the frame number, for
// example,
// RIB_Archive/bathroom/shaving_cream.0001.rib
string $projPath = `workspace -q -rootDirectory`;
string $sceneName = `file -q -sceneName -shortName`;
if(size($sceneName) == 0)
$sceneName = "untitled";
int $frame = `currentTime -q`;
string $fStr = "." + $frame;
if($frame < 10)
$fStr = ".000" + $frame;
else if($frame < 100)
$fStr = ".00" + $frame;
string $archiveName = $sceneName +"_"+ $shapeNode + $fStr + ".rib";
string $archivePath = $projPath + "RIB_Archive";
string $path = $archivePath + "/"+ $archiveName;
int $canWrite = 1;
if(!`filetest -r $archivePath`) {
print("Error: Your project directory does not have a RIB_Archive\n");
print(" directory in which the Blobby archive can be saved.\n");
print(" Manually create RIB_Archive and try again.\n");
$canWrite = 0;
// User has selected "Compute"
if($m2c_cache == 0 && $canWrite) {
int $fileid = `fopen $path "w"`;
// Begin writing the Blobby to the archive
fprint($fileid, "Blobby " + $num[0] + " [\n");
if($m2c_volume && !$m2c_previs)
fprint($fileid, "8\n");
// Make each blob an ellipsoid and provide its array
// index. The indices monotonously increment by 16.
for($n = 0; $n < $num[0]; $n++)
fprint($fileid, "1001 " + ($n * 16) + "\n");
// Add the blending code "0" and the number of blobs to blend.
fprint($fileid, "0 " + $num[0]);
// Specify the indices of all the blobs.
for($n = 0; $n < $num[0]; $n++)
fprint($fileid, " " + $n);
fprint($fileid, "]\n");
fprint($fileid, "[\n");
// Specify the transformations of each blob
string $row1, $row2, $row3;
for($n = 0; $n < $num[0]; $n++) {
string $vert = $shapeNode + ".vtx[" + $n + "]";
$pos = `pointPosition -local $vert`;
$row1 = $m2c_size + " 0 0 0 ";
$row2 = " 0 " + $m2c_size + " 0 0 ";
$row3 = " 0 0 " + $m2c_size + " 0 ";
float $xpos = $pos[0];
float $ypos = $pos[1];
float $zpos = $pos[2];
if($m2c_jitter > 0) {
$xpos += rand(-$m2c_jitter, $m2c_jitter);
$ypos += rand(-$m2c_jitter, $m2c_jitter);
$zpos += rand(-$m2c_jitter, $m2c_jitter);
$ypos *= $m2c_height;
$row4 = $xpos + " " + $ypos + " " + $zpos + " 1\n";
fprint($fileid, $row1 + $row2 + $row3 + $row4);
fprint($fileid, "]\n");
fprint($fileid, "[\"\"]\n");
// Grab the primvars
string $str = getPrimVars($names, $allPrims, $num[0]);
fprint($fileid, $str);
fclose $fileid;
print("Writing (" + $m2c_dup + ") Blobby archive for shape named \"" + $shapeNode + "\" to:\n");
print(" \"" + $path + "\"\n");
else if($m2c_cache)
print("Attempting to reuse:\n");
print(" \"" + $path + "\"\n");
// Tell prman to render the Blobby
$m2c_dup = 1;
for($n = 1; $n < $m2c_dup; $n++) {
RiIfBegin("$user:pass_class == 'Final'");
RiScale(0.99, 0.99, 0.99);
// Make sure the polymesh is totally invisible
RiAttribute "visibility" "int camera" 0;
RiAttribute "visibility" "int transmission" 0;
RiAttribute "visibility" "int diffuse" 0;
RiAttribute "visibility" "int specular" 0;
RiAttribute "visibility" "int photon" 0;
// getPrimvarNames
global proc string[] getPrimvarNames(string $input)
string $names[];
string $items[], $buf[];
int $n = 0;
tokenize($input, ";", $items);
for($item in $items) {
tokenize(strip($item), $buf);
$names[$n++] = strip($buf[0]);
return $names;
// getPrimVars
// seed() should be called before getting a sequence of primvars.
global proc string getPrimVars(string $names[], string $input, int $count)
string $result = "";
for($n = 0; $n < size($names); $n++)
$result += getPrimvarStr($names[$n], $input, $count) + "\n";
return $result;
// getPrimvarStr
global proc string getPrimvarStr(string $name, string $input, int $count)
string $item, $items[], $buf[], $dataStr;
int $num, $i;
float $r0,$r1,$r2,$r3,$r4,$r5;
string $result = "", $datatype = "";
tokenize($input, ";", $items);
for($item in $items) {
$item = strip($item);
if(startsWith($item, $name + " ")) {
$dataStr = substring($item, size($name) + 1, size($item));
$num = tokenize(strip($dataStr), $buf);
if(size($buf) == 0) {
print("Error: the primvar \"" + $name + "\" does not have a value!\n");
return "";
switch($num) {
case 1: $val = float($buf[0]);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$result += ($val + " ");
$datatype = "float";
case 2: $r0 = float($buf[0]);
$r1 = float($buf[1]);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$val = rand($r0, $r1);
$result += $val + " ";
$datatype = "float";
case 3: $r0 = float($buf[0]);
$r1 = float($buf[1]);
$r2 = float($buf[2]);
$vec = <<$r0, $r1, $r2>>;
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$result += $vec + " ";
$datatype = "color";
case 6: $r0 = float($buf[0]);
$r1 = float($buf[1]);
$r2 = float($buf[2]);
$r3 = float($buf[3]);
$r4 = float($buf[4]);
$r5 = float($buf[5]);
vector $c0 = <<$r0, $r1, $r2>>;
vector $c1 = <<$r3, $r4, $r5>>;
vector $c;
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$c = rand($c0, $c1);
$result += $c + " ";
$datatype = "color";
$result = "\"" + $name + "\" [" + $result + "]";
$result = "\"" + $datatype + " " + $name + "\" [" + $result + "]";
return $result;
return $result;
// isPrimitive
global proc int isPrimitive(string $name)
int $result = 0;
string $prim[] = {"P","N","Cs","Os","time"};
for($n = 0; $n < size($prim); $n++)
if($name == $prim[$n])
return 1;
return $result;