Listing 1 (mesh2CloudUI.rman)

rman "-version 1" {
Declare param {int m2c_cache} {
    label "Caching Behaviour"
    subtype selector
    range {
        "Compute" 0
        "Reuse"   1
        "Disable" 2
Declare param {float m2c_size} {
    label "Blobby Size"
    subtype slider
    range {0 1 .001}
    description "Uniformly scales the individual blobbies."
Declare param {float m2c_height} {
    label "Height Offset"
    subtype slider
    range {0 1 .001}
    description {Moves the Blobby from its true Y 
                position in the scene.}
Declare param {float m2c_jitter} {
    label "Jitter"
    subtype slider
    range {0 10 .001}
    description {Adds a random XYZ offset to each blob.}
Declare param {int m2c_volume} {
    label "Convert to Volume"
    description {Enables the blobby to be treated 
                as a Volume primitive.}
    subtype switch
Declare param {int m2c_previs} {
    label "Previs"
    description {Ignores the \"Volume\" attribute and uses \"defaultsurface\"
            to pre-visualize the blobby.}
    subtype switch
Declare param {int m2c_dup} {
    label "Duplicates"
    subtype slider
    range {0 10 1}
    description "Duplicate copie of the blobby."
Declare param {string m2c_Prims0} {
    label "PrimVars"
    description {Separate the primvars with semi-colons. Those with pairs
        of values will have their values randomized. For example,\"freq\" \[2.3\] \[0.1\];}
Declare param {string m2c_Prims1} {
    label "PrimVars"
    description {Separate the primvars with semi-colons. Those with pairs
        of values will have their values randomized. For example, \"Cs\" \[1 1 1\] \[1 0.8 0.8\];}

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