# Malcolm Kesson
# Nov 16 2012
# mocap.rman
rman "-version 1" {
Declare param {string mocap_datapath} {
label "MoCap Data File"
description "Source mocap data file."
subtype file
range {*.txt}
Declare param {float mocap_scale} {
label "MoCap Scaling"
subtype slider
range {0.001 1 .001}
description "Reduces the dimensions of the mocap performance."
Declare param {int mocap_geo} {
label "Render As"
subtype selector
range {
"Points" 0
"Curves" 1
"Blobby Surface" 2
"Blobby Volume" 3
Declare param {float mocap_width} {
label "Geometry Size"
subtype slider
range {0.001 5 .001}
description "Points and Curves(constantwidth). Blobby scale"
Declare param {int mocap_trail} {
label "Trail"
subtype slider
range {0 1000 1}
description "Places geometry at preceeding data locations."
Declare param {int mocap_step} {
label "Step Size"
subtype slider
range {1 20 1}
description "Use consecutive or skipped data locations."
Declare param {int mocap_cache} {
label "Caching Behavior"
subtype selector
range {
"Compute" 0
"Reuse" 1
"Disable" 2
# The Collection and NodeOptions blocks enable a Pre-Shape MEL script
# to be assigned to "RenderMan Controls->Geometric Settings" panel.
Collection mocap_OptionalGeometricSettings {
param mocap_datapath {
default ""
state optional
param mocap_geo {
default 0
state optional
param mocap_scale {
default 0.001
state optional
param mocap_width {
default 0.001
state optional
param mocap_trail {
default 0
state optional
param mocap_step {
default 1
state optional
param mocap_cache {
default 0
state optional
NodeOptions {kGeometric kParticle} {
reference Collection optionalGeometricSettings
reference Collection mocap_OptionalGeometricSettings