// Malcolm Kesson
// Nov 16 2012
// Pre Shape Mel Script
global proc mocapRI() {
// Get the name of the shape node
string $shapeName = `rman ctxGetObject`;
string $parents[] = `listRelatives -parent $shapeName`;
string $tformNode = $parents[0];
// The node may hava a number in its name that we can use
// to set the random number generator
int $nodeNumber = `match "[0-9]+" $shapeName`;
if($nodeNumber != "") {
// Read the values from our interface
string $attr;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "mocap_datapath"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeName $attr`;
string $datapath = `getAttr $attr`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "mocap_geo"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeName $attr`;
int $geo = `getAttr $attr`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "mocap_scale"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeName $attr`;
float $scale = `getAttr $attr`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "mocap_width"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeName $attr`;
float $width = `getAttr $attr`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "mocap_trail"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeName $attr`;
int $trail = `getAttr $attr`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "mocap_step"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeName $attr`;
int $step = `getAttr $attr`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "mocap_cache"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeName $attr`;
int $cache = `getAttr $attr`;
python("from mocap_rman import MoCapRMan");
// Use the shape node name for the name of the python variable that
// "receives" the instance - avoids name collision of multiple instances.
// The name is also used as an Id string for the instance. MocapRMan uses
// the name to uniquify the ribs it generates.
string $idStr = "\"" + $shapeName + "\"";
$datapath = "\"" + $datapath + "\"";
string $moStr = $shapeName + " = MoCapRMan(" + $idStr + ","
+ $datapath + "," + $scale + ")";
// Frame 1 always creates a new instance of MoCapRMan
int $currentTime = `currentTime -q`;
if($currentTime == 1) {
print("Created a new instance of the database on frame 1\n");
// Ensure we only instance MoCapRMan once rather than for
// each frame of animation.
string $tryStr;
$tryStr = "try:\n";
$tryStr += " if mo == None:\n";
$tryStr += " " + $moStr + "\n";
$tryStr += "except:\n";
$tryStr += " " + $moStr + "\n";
// Create the geometry
if($cache != 2) {
string $action = "Compute";
if($cache == 1)
$action = "Reuse";
string $ribpath;
string $args = $trail + "," + $step + "," + $width + ",\"" + $action + "\"";
if($geo == 0)
$ribpath = python($shapeName + ".writePoints(" + $args + ")");
else if($geo == 1)
$ribpath = python($shapeName + ".writeCurves(" + $args + ")");
else if($geo == 2)
$ribpath = python($shapeName + ".writeBlobby(" + $args + ")");
else {
$args += ",volume=True";
$ribpath = python($shapeName + ".writeBlobby(" + $args + ")");
print("Using archive \"" + $ribpath + "\"\n");
print("Total frame count is " + python($shapeName + ".numframes()") + "\n");
// Ensure the proxy is not rendered
RiAttribute "visibility" "int camera" 0;
RiAttribute "visibility" "int transmission" 0;
RiAttribute "visibility" "int indirect" 0;