# mocap_rman.py
# The output rib is saved in the project/RIB_Archive directory.
# Malcolm Kesson
# Nov 11 2012
from mocap_db import MoCapDB
import os
from maya_proj_utils import MayaProjUtils
class MoCapRMan(MoCapDB):
def __init__(self, name, datapath, scaling):
self.name = name
self.begin = 1
self.end = 1
self.utils = None
self.utils = MayaProjUtils()
self.archivepath = self.utils.getRIB_ArchivePath()
if os.path.exists(self.archivepath) == False:
self.begin = self.utils.getAnimationStart()
self.end = self.utils.getAnimationEnd()
self.scenename = self.utils.getSceneName()
self.archivepath = os.path.dirname(datapath)
self.scenename = 'untitled'
MoCapDB.__init__(self, datapath, scaling)
dataname = os.path.basename(datapath)
self.dataname = dataname[:-4] # remove .txt
# __________________________________________________
def writePoints(self, trail, step, width, cache):
if self.__dataIsValid() == False:
print('writePoints is valid')
return ''
current_frame = self.utils.getCurrentTime()
begin,end = self.__getDataRange(trail)
ribpath = self.__getRibPath('pnt',trail,step,width)
# Reuse a previously computed rib archive...
if self.__canReuse(ribpath,cache):
return ribpath
f = open(ribpath, 'w')
f.write('Points "P" [')
for n in range(len(self.markers)):
data = self.getMarkerData(n,begin,end,step)
if len(data) == 0: # marker has no data for this frame
count = 0
for coord in data:
if count == 0 or count % 15 == 0:
f.write('%1.4f ' % coord )
count += 1
f.write('\n\t] "constantwidth" [%1.4f]\n' % width)
return ribpath
# __________________________________________________
# The curve type is catmull-rom because it guarantees the curve will pass
# through the coordinates of the control vertices. However, the first and
# last xyz coordinates must be repeated.
def writeCurves(self, trail, step, width, cache):
if self.__dataIsValid() == False:
return ''
begin,end = self.__getDataRange(trail)
# We need at least 4 cvs for a valid curve
data_range = end - begin
if data_range < 4:
end = begin + 4
ribpath = self.__getRibPath('cvs',trail,step,width)
# Reuse a previously computed rib archive...
if cache == 'Reuse' and os.path.exists(ribpath) == True:
return ribpath
f = open(ribpath, 'w')
f.write('\tBasis "catmull-rom" 1 "catmull-rom" 1\n')
for n in range(len(self.markers)):
# data is a simple list of coordinates [x,y,z,x,y,z etc...]
data = self.getMarkerData(n,begin,end,step)
# The marker has no data for this frame, go to the next marker.
if len(data) == 0:
# A "catmull-rom" generally has the first and last cvs repeated,
# hence, we add 2 to the number of cvs.
numcvs = (len(data)/3) + 2
f.write('\tCurves "cubic" [%d] "nonperiodic" "P" [' % numcvs)
# Repeat the first CV
f.write('%1.4f %1.4f %1.4f ' % (data[0],data[1],data[2]) )
count = 2
for coord in data:
if count % 15 == 0:
f.write('%1.4f ' % coord )
count += 1
# Repeat the last CV
x,y,z = data[-3:]
f.write('%1.4f %1.4f %1.4f ' % (x,y,z) )
f.write('\n\t\t] "constantwidth" [%1.4f]\n' % width)
return ribpath
# __________________________________________________
def writeBlobby(self, trail, step, width, cache, volume=False):
if self.__dataIsValid() == False:
return ''
begin,end = self.__getDataRange(trail)
geoname = 'blobS'
if volume:
geoname = 'blobV'
ribpath = self.__getRibPath(geoname,trail,step,width)
# Reuse a previously computed rib archive...
if cache == 'Reuse' and os.path.exists(ribpath) == True:
return ribpath
f = open(ribpath, 'w')
alldata = []
for n in range(len(self.markers)):
data = self.getMarkerData(n,begin,end,step)
if len(data) == 0:
numblobs = len(alldata)/3
if volume:
f.write('Blobby %d [8 \n' % numblobs)
f.write('Blobby %d [\n' % numblobs)
# Make each blob an ellipsoid and provide its array index.
# The indices monotonously increment by 16.
for n in range(numblobs):
f.write('\t1001 %d\n' % (n * 16))
# Add the blending code "0" and the number of blobs to blend.
f.write('\t0 %d ' % + numblobs)
# Specify the indices of all the blobs.
for n in range(numblobs):
f.write(' %d' % n)
for n in range(0, len(alldata), 3):
x = alldata[n]
y = alldata[n+1]
z = alldata[n+2]
f.write('%1.4f 0 0 0 ' % width)
f.write('0 %1.4f 0 0 ' % width)
f.write('0 0 %1.4f 0 ' % width)
f.write('%1.4f %1.4f %1.4f 1\n' % (x,y,z))
f.write('\t] [""]\n')
return ribpath
# __________________________________________________
# Given getPadding(27), returns '0027'
def getPadding(self, frame):
return '%0*d' % (4, frame)
# __________________________________________________
def __getRibPath(self,geoname,trail,step,geosize):
frame = self.utils.getCurrentTime()
pad = self.getPadding(frame)
size = '%1.3f' % geosize # Avoid excessive trailing digits
size = size.replace('.', '')
ribname = '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.%s.rib' % (self.dataname, geoname,
str(trail), str(step),
size, pad)
path = os.path.join(self.archivepath, self.scenename)
if os.path.exists(path) == False:
path = os.path.join(path, self.name)
if os.path.exists(path) == False:
fullpath = os.path.join(path, ribname)
return fullpath
# __________________________________________________
# Puts some useful information at the beginning of the rib archive file.
def __getRibHeader(self,begin,end):
x,y,z,X,Y,Z = self.getFrameBbox(end) #self.getBbox()
rib = '#bbox: %1.4f %1.4f %1.4f %1.4f %1.4f %1.4f \n' % (x,y,z,X,Y,Z)
rib += '# Data begin/end: %d to %d\n' % (begin,end)
rib += '# Total number of mocap markers %d\n' % len(self.markers)
rib += '# Total number of mocap frames %d\n' % self.frames
return rib
# __________________________________________________
def __getDataRange(self,trail):
# Set a couple of reasonable default values for the data_begin/end.
# self.begin and self.end are "read" from the "Frame Range" settings
# of Maya's Render Setting window - see the constructor.
data_begin = self.begin - trail
data_end = self.end
if data_begin < 0:
data_begin = 0;
# Use Maya's values...
if self.utils != None:
current = self.utils.getCurrentTime()
data_end = current
if (current - trail) < 1:
data_begin = 1
data_begin = current - trail
return [data_begin,data_end]
# __________________________________________________
def __dataIsValid(self):
if len(self.getBbox()) == 0:
return False
return True
# __________________________________________________
def __canReuse(self,ribpath,cache):
if cache == 'Reuse' or cache == 'reuse' and os.path.exists(ribpath) == True:
return True
return False