# particleCurves.rman
rman "-version 1" {
Declare param {float pc_width} {
    label "Curve Width"
    subtype slider
    range {0.001 0.5 .001}
    description "Constant width of each curve."
Declare param {int pc_round} {
    label "Round Curve"
    description "Tubes or ribbons."
    subtype switch
Declare param {string pc_attrname} {
    label "Custom Attribute Name"
    description "A random value 0 to 1. Useful for custom shading."
# The Collection and NodeOptions blocks enable a Pre-Shape MEL script
# to be assigned to "RenderMan Controls->Geometric Settings" panel.
Collection pc_OptionalGeometricSettings {
    param pc_width {
        default 0.001
        state optional
    param pc_round {
        default 0
        state optional
    param pc_attrname {
        default ""
        state optional
NodeOptions {kGeometric kParticle} {
       reference Collection optionalGeometricSettings
       reference Collection pc_OptionalGeometricSettings