// Post Transform Mel Script
global proc rgbMeshArchivesRI() {
// Get the name of the transform node
string $tformNode = `rman ctxGetObject`;
// The node may hava a number in its name that we can use to set the
// random number generator
int $nodeNumber = `match "[0-9]+" $tformNode`;
if($nodeNumber != "") {
// Bounding box is only relevant if the transform node is not a group.
string $children[] = `listRelatives -children $tformNode`;
string $shapeNode = $children[0];
float $bb_width = -1, $bb_height = -1, $bb_depth = -1;
if(size($children) == 1) {
$bb_width = `getAttr ($shapeNode + ".boundingBoxSizeX")`;
$bb_height = `getAttr ($shapeNode + ".boundingBoxSizeY")`;
$bb_depth = `getAttr ($shapeNode + ".boundingBoxSizeZ")`;
string $attr;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "rma_path"`;
string $rma_path = `getAttr($tformNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "rma_radial_offset"`;
float $rma_radial_offset = `getAttr($tformNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "rma_use_normals"`;
int $rma_use_normals = `getAttr($tformNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "rma_jitter"`;
float $rma_jitter = `getAttr($tformNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "rma_yrot"`;
float $rma_yrot = `getAttr($tformNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "rma_scale"`;
float $rma_scale = `getAttr($tformNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "rma_input_node"`;
string $rma_input_node = `getAttr($tformNode + "." + $attr)`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "rma_threshold"`;
float $rma_threshold = `getAttr($tformNode + "." + $attr)`;
// To use the shader of a "Custom Shading Group that can be
// assigned to the transform node of your geometry.
RiArchiveRecord("structure", "RLF Inject SurfaceShading");
vector $verts[], $norms[], $rgbs[];
getVertices($tformNode, $verts);
getNormals($tformNode, $norms);
getVertexRGB($tformNode, $rgbs, $rma_input_node);
if(size($verts) == 0 || size($norms) == 0)
int $n;
vector $vert, $norm;
float $rot[], $x, $y, $z, $yangle, $xscale, $yscale, $zscale;
for($n = 0; $n < size($verts); $n++) {
vector $rgb = $rgbs[$n];
// We use the grayscale value to decide if an archive should
// be placed on the mesh
if( ($rgb.x + $rgb.y + $rgb.z)/3 > $rma_threshold)
$vert = $verts[$n];
$x = $vert.x * $rma_radial_offset;
$y = $vert.y * $rma_radial_offset;
$z = $vert.z * $rma_radial_offset;
// Apply position jitter
$x += rand(-$rma_jitter, $rma_jitter);
$y += rand(-$rma_jitter, $rma_jitter);
$z += rand(-$rma_jitter, $rma_jitter);
RiTranslate($x, $y, $z);
// Alignment to the mesh formal
if($rma_use_normals) {
$norm = $norms[$n];
$rot = aimY($norm);
RiRotate($rot[1], 0,0,1);
RiRotate($rot[0], 1,0,0);
// Apply Y axis rotational jitter
if($rma_yrot > 0) {
$yangle = rand(-$rma_yrot, $rma_yrot);
RiRotate($yangle, 0, 1, 0);
// Ditto the randomized scaling
$xscale = rand(1, 1 + $rma_scale);
$yscale = rand(1, 1 + $rma_scale);
$zscale = rand(1, 1 + $rma_scale);
RiScale($xscale, $yscale, $zscale);