Rib Generation

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The tutorial provides a quick overview of the differences between RenderMan Artist Tools (RAT) and RenderMan Studio's (RMS) handling of directories and rib files.

Directories & Ribs

Listing 1 gives a typical directory layout for RAT. It assumes the user was using the "default" project directory. Listing 2 does likewise for RMS


    |_ scripts  # regular mel scripts ie. not related to RAT
    |_ projects/
               |_ default/
                        |_ RATworkspace.ws  # users prefs
                        |_ rib              # .rib files
                        |_ rmanpix          # 
                        |_ rmanshader       # users .slim &.slo files
                        |          |_tmp    # slim's .sl and .slo files
                        |_ rmantex          # .tex files
                        |_ rmantmp          # loads the users .slim files


  |_ scripts  # regular mel scripts ie. not related to RMS
  |_ projects/
     |_ default/
           |_ RATworkspace.ws  # users prefs
           |_ renderman        # .rib files
              |_ textures    # 
                 |_ untitled
                    |_ data        # 
                    |_ images      # 
                    |_ rib         # 
                    |    |_ 0001   # frame 1 - many more of these directories for an animation
                    |    |  |_ 0001.rib
                    |    |  |_ frameCompile.0001.rib # 
                    |    |  |_ perspShape_Final.rib  # 
                    |    |  
                    |    |_ job 
                    |       |_ jobCompile.job.rib            # empty
                    |       |_ preflight.rib                 # search paths + link to jobCompile.job.rib
                    |       |_ pSphereShape1_0_attr.job.rib  # empty
                    |       |_ pSphereShape1_0.job.rib       # pre-baked rib (sphere)
                    |       |_ ditto for other baked ribs
                    |_ shaders     # .slo from hypershade
                    |_ slimshaders # user's (template) .sl and .slo files
                    |_ tmp    # slim's (template) .sl and .slo files

Figure 1

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