IntroductionPages 255 to 261 of "Advanced RenderMan" by Gritz and Apodaca provide an introduction to the RSL function cellnoise(). This note attempts to explain how Gritz and Apodaca are using cellnoise to create solid textures. |
Basic Code
The sample code used for this tutorial consists of the function and surface
shader given in listing 1. The function Listing 1
The function, with the code shown in comments ie. point pos = testcell;// + vector cellnoise(testcell) - 0.5; was used by the surface shader to assign transparency/opacity to a criss-crossed stack of poly-planes shown in figure 1. As can be seen the opaque spheres are aligned to the centers of the matrix of imaginary cells. |
Figure 2 was rendered with cellnoise() activated ie. point pos = testcell + vector cellnoise(testcell) - 0.5;
As can be clearly seen in figure 2, |
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