Fake Subsurface Effects

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Some objects, particularly those made of glass, can appear to have a rich sub-surface texture - figure 1. This tutorial demonstrates a shading technique that mimics sub-surface textures without the need to use ray tracing. The shaders on this page rely on a trick that strickly speaking should not be allowed by the RenderMan shading language, namely, allowing a surface shader to assign a value to point P. In theory only displacement shaders are allowed to change a micro-polygons P value.

Figure 1

The reflections from the surface of the vase shown in figure 1 appear to be smooth and glossy. However, the small scale bumps appear to unmistakenly "belong" to a layer of material that we interpret as beneath the surface of the glass. To reproduce this visual effect the shader in listing 2 makes two sets of lighting calculations sandwiched around a "temporary" displacement.

The shader recipe is,

  1. save copies of the true surface point P and normal N,
  2. make a lighting calculation that includes environment mapping,
  3. displace the suface point and recalculate the normal,
  4. make another set of lighting calculations,
  5. restore the "old" surface point and normal,
  6. combine the two sets of lighting values.

Lighting Components

The lighting calculations, excluding environment mapping, are based on a combination of ambient, diffuse and specular lighting components. The shader on this page is based on the code for the plastic shader presented on page 337 of The RenderMan Companion. To keep the code of the surface shader short and because the lighting calculations are performed twice they have been rolled into a single function. Likewise, the code responsible for environment mapping has been implemented as a function. Both functions are in a header file - ShadingUtils.h (listing 1). The header file should be saved into the same directory as the the shader (listing 2). If the reader is using Cutter to edit these files, compilation of the shader will be easy because the editor will automatically link to the header file.

Listing 1 (ShadingUtils.h)

color plastic(normal norm; 
              vector incident; 
              float ka, kd, ks, roughness; 
              color hilitecolor)
normal   n = normalize(norm);
vector   i = normalize(incident);
normal   nf = faceforward(n, i);
color    amb = ka * ambient();
color    dif = kd * diffuse(nf);
color    spc = ks * specular(nf, -i, roughness) * hilitecolor;
return (amb + dif + spc);
color envmapping(normal norm;
                 vector incident;
                 string mapname;
                 string coordname;
                 float  kenv)
color envcolor = 0;
if(mapname != "")
    normal    n = normalize(norm);
    vector    i = normalize(incident);
    normal    nf = faceforward(n, i);
    vector R = reflect(i, nf);
    R = transform(coordname, R);
    envcolor = environment(mapname, R) * kenv;
return envcolor;

Shader Code

The basic implementation of the shader is shown in listing 2. Listing 3 demonstrates the use of the shader in a rib file.

Listing 2

#include "ShadingUtils.h"
subsurf1(float      Ka = 1,         /* response to ambient   */
                    Kd = 0.5,       /* basic brightness      */
                    Ks = 0.7,       /* hilite brightness     */
                    roughness = 0.1,/* surface smoothness    */
                    subKa = 1,      /* ditto sub-surf        */
                    subKd = 0.5,    /* ditto sub-surf        */
                    subKs = 0.7,    /* ditto sub-surf        */
                    Km = 0,         /* sub-surf bumpiness    */
                    Kenv = 0,       /* environ contribution  */
                    Ktop = 0.5,     /* scales the top color  */
                    Ksub = 0.5;     /* scales the sub color  */
            color   hicolor = 1,    /* top hilite color      */
                    locolor = 1,    /* sub-surf hilite color */
                    subCs = 1;      /* sub-surf color        */
            string  envname = "",
                    envspace = "world")
// 1  Save copies of the "true" surface
point   oldP = P;
normal  oldN = N;
Oi = Os;
// 2 Obtain the environment lighting and the "top" layer color
color  envcolor = envmapping(N, I, envname, envspace, Kenv);
color  topcolor = plastic(N, I, Ka, Kd, 
                             Ks, roughness, hicolor) * Ktop;
// 3 Apply a displacemnt and calculate a "fake" normal
float  hump = noise(s * 100, t * 250);
P = P - hump * normalize(N) * Km;
N = calculatenormal(P);
// 4 Repeat the lighting (without environment mapping) with
//   the fake normal
color  sublight = plastic(N, I, subKa, subKd, 
                            subKs, roughness, locolor) * Ksub;
color  subcolor = sublight * subCs;
// 5 Restore the true surface values
P = oldP;
N = oldN;
// 6 Combine the top and sub-surface lighting
Ci = Oi * Cs * (envcolor + topcolor + subcolor);

Reference Renders

The next set of images provide a visual break-down of the output of the shader. The "trick" to this technique is producing a believable displacement. Figure 4 shows the effect of trying to procedurally produce high frequency displacements. It would have been better had the displacements been generated from a displacement map. How that can be achieved is left as a problem for the reader to solve.

Figure 2 - True surface geometry

Figure 3 - Environment map only

Figure 4 - Displacements only

Figure 5 - Overall effect

Listing 3

Display "subsurf1" "framebuffer" "rgb"
Format 400 400 1
Projection "perspective" "fov" 40
ShadingRate 2
Translate  0 -1.5 20
Rotate -30 1 0 0
Rotate 140   0 1 0
Scale 1 1 -1
        # Orientate the environment map.
        Rotate 180 1 0 0
        CoordinateSystem "_world"
    LightSource "distantlight" 1 "intensity" 1.5 "from" [1 4 5]
                "to" [0 0 0]
            Attribute "bound" "displacement" [0.1]
            Surface "subsurf1"
                    "Km" 0.5
                    "Kd" 0.0
                    "Ks" 1
                    "subKd" 0.9
                    "subKs" 1
                    "Ktop" 0.2
                    "Ksub" 0.5
                    "Kenv" 0.5
                    "locolor" [1 1 1]
                    "envname" ["env.tx"]
                    "envspace" ["_world"]
        ReadArchive "vase.rib"

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