import maya.cmds as cmds
from random import uniform, choice
def add_string(attrname, paths):
    # we take care of using the special prefix
    attrname = 'mtoa_constant_' + attrname
    # selections will be either a number of shapes (possibly only one shape),
    # or one or more groups that contains shapes.
    shapes = []
    selections =
    for sel in selections:
        shapes = cmds.listRelatives(sel, shapes=True)
        # sel is a group...
        if shapes == None:
            transforms = cmds.listRelatives(sel, children=True)
            shapes = []
            for tran in transforms:
                shapes.extend(cmds.listRelatives(tran, shapes=True))        
        if len(shapes) == 0 or len(shapes[0]) == 0:
            print('Cannot find a shape to add attribute')
        for shape in shapes:
            if cmds.attributeQuery(attrname, node=shape, exists=True) == False:
                cmds.addAttr(shape, ln=attrname, sn=attrname, nn=attrname, dt="string")
            # get a random value between min_max_value[0] and min_max_value[1]
            # and use it to set the value
            path = choice(paths)
            cmds.setAttr(shape + '.' + attrname, path, type="string")
def add_random_float(attrname, min_max_value, min_max=[0, 10.0]):
    # we take care of using the special prefix
    attrname = 'mtoa_constant_' + attrname
    # selections will be either a number of shapes (possibly only one shape),
    # or one or more groups that contains shapes.
    shapes = []
    selections =
    for sel in selections:
        shapes = cmds.listRelatives(sel, shapes=True)
        # sel is a group...
        if shapes == None:
            transforms = cmds.listRelatives(sel, children=True)
            shapes = []
            for tran in transforms:
                shapes.extend(cmds.listRelatives(tran, shapes=True))        
        if len(shapes) == 0 or len(shapes[0]) == 0:
            print('Cannot find a shape to add attribute')
        for shape in shapes:
            if cmds.attributeQuery(attrname, node=shape, exists=True) == False:
                cmds.addAttr(shape, ln=attrname, sn=attrname, nn=attrname, 
                            k=True, at='double',
                            min=min_max[0], max=min_max[1], dv=0)
            # get a random value between min_max_value[0] and min_max_value[1]
            # and use it to set the value
            value = uniform(min_max_value[0], min_max_value[1])
            cmds.setAttr(shape + '.' + attrname, value)
def add_random_int(attrname, min_max_value, min_max=[0, 10.0]):
    # we take care of using the special prefix
    attrname = 'mtoa_constant_' + attrname
    # selections will be either a number of shapes (possibly only one shape),
    # or one or more groups that contains shapes.
    shapes = []
    selections =
    for sel in selections:
        shapes = cmds.listRelatives(sel, shapes=True)
        # sel is a group...
        if shapes == None:
            transforms = cmds.listRelatives(sel, children=True)
            shapes = []
            for tran in transforms:
                shapes.extend(cmds.listRelatives(tran, shapes=True))        
        if len(shapes) == 0 or len(shapes[0]) == 0:
            print('Cannot find a shape to add attribute')
        for shape in shapes:
            if cmds.attributeQuery(attrname, node=shape, exists=True) == False:
                cmds.addAttr(shape, ln=attrname, sn=attrname, nn=attrname, at='long',  
                        min=min_max[0], max=min_max[1], dv=0)
            # get a random value between min_max_value[0] and min_max_value[1]
            # and use it to set the value
            value = uniform(min_max_value[0], min_max_value[1])
            cmds.setAttr(shape + '.' + attrname, value)
# For example, add_arnold_attrs.add_random_color('tint', [0,0,0], [1,1,1])
def add_random_color(attrname, min_rgb, max_rgb):
    # we take care of using the special prefix
    attrname = 'mtoa_constant_' + attrname
    # selections will be either a number of shapes (possibly only one shape),
    # or one or more groups that contains shapes.
    shapes = []
    selections =
    for sel in selections:
        shapes = cmds.listRelatives(sel, shapes=True)
        # sel is a group...
        if shapes == None:
            transforms = cmds.listRelatives(sel, children=True)
            shapes = []
            for tran in transforms:
                shapes.extend(cmds.listRelatives(tran, shapes=True))        
        if len(shapes) == 0 or len(shapes[0]) == 0:
            print('Cannot find a shape to add attribute')
        for shape in shapes:
            if cmds.attributeQuery(attrname, node=shape, exists=True) == False:
                #  addAttr -ln $name -sn $name -at "float3" -usedAsColor -k 1 $shape;
                cmds.addAttr(shape, ln=attrname, sn=attrname, nn=attrname, at='float3',
                            usedAsColor=True, k=True)
                red = attrname + "_r";
                green = attrname + "_g";
                blue = attrname + "_b";
                 cmds.addAttr(shape, ln=red, at="float", k=True, parent=attrname)
                 cmds.addAttr(shape, ln=green, at="float", k=True, parent=attrname)
                 cmds.addAttr(shape, ln=blue, at="float", k=True, parent=attrname)
            # get a random value between min_max_value[0] and min_max_value[1]
            # and use it to set the value
            r = uniform(min_rgb[0], max_rgb[0])
            g = uniform(min_rgb[1], max_rgb[1])
            b = uniform(min_rgb[2], max_rgb[2])
            cmds.setAttr(shape + '.' + attrname,r,g,b, type="float3")