Lindenmayer systems, aka Lsystems, are based on the pioneering research of
Aristid Lindenmayer. The principles they embody were first applied to
graphics by
Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz. In addition
to generating organic/branching forms such as plants, Lsystems have also
been adapted, more recently and with intriguing results, by architects.
has many fascinating examples of Lsystems.
Modeling with an Lsystem is entirely different to using an interactive
package where an artist directly models each detail of
a scene. In contrast to the explicit interactive approach, shapes emerge
from an Lsystem as a result of an artist changing the rules by which
a sequence of characters, known as an Lstring, are generated and interpreted.
For example, the lattice shown in figure 1 was generated by a sequence of characters.
The lattice was made by replacing each '1' in following input string, called the axiom,
by a sequence of substitution characters.
The substitutions shown above defines a rule that says,
"all instances of the character '1' in an input string must be
replaced by the characters of a replacement string". In other words,
find each and replace it with
"1" "11<z1>z1<z1<z11"