# menger3d.py
# Implements a recursive subdivision of a cube into 27 sub
# cubes - three "layers" each with nine cubes. The indices
# in the "holeLUT" are used to delete specific cubes from
# each layer. 
# Malcolm Kesson Jan 16 2013
# Converted to a class: Feb 9 2016
import ri_utils
from math import sqrt
class Menger3D:
    def __init__(self, bbox, depth, listOfHoles):
        self.deletedCubes = []      # list of deleted cubes
        self.retainedCubes = []
        self.holeLUT = listOfHoles
        self.bbox = bbox            # minx,miny,minz, maxx,maxy,maxz
        self.depth = depth
        self.divide(bbox, depth)    # our recursive routine
    # Given the minimum x,y,z and maximum x,y,z coordinates
    # of a bounding box this proc returns the bouding box
    # coordinates of a "row" of three cubes.
    def row(self, x0,y0,z0, w,h,d):
        x,y,z = x0,y0,z0
        X,Y,Z = x + w, y + h, z + d
        cubes = []
        for n in range(3):
            cube = [x,y,z, X,Y,Z]
            z,Z = z + d, Z + d
        return cubes
    # A recursive proc that subdivides a bounding box into
    # 27 sub-cubes. Each time the proc is called the arg
    # "depth" is decremented. Recursion terminates when its
    # value becomes zero.
    def divide(self, bbox, depth):
        if depth == 0:
            return []
        x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1 = bbox
        w = float(x1 - x0)/3
        h = float(y1 - y0)/3
        d = float(z1 - z0)/3
        x,y,z = x0,y0,z0
        cubes = []
        for layer in range(3):
            x = x0
            for rows in range(3):
                x = x + w
            y = y + h
        cubes = self.delete(cubes)
        # Recursion________________
        for cube in cubes:
            self.divide(cube, depth - 1)
        return cubes
    # Uses the indices in the holeLUT to remove specific cubes
    # from the list of 27 cubes in the "cubes" arg.
    def delete(self,cubes):
        for n in range(len(self.holeLUT)):
            index = self.holeLUT[n]
            if index < len(cubes):
                deleted = cubes.pop(self.holeLUT[n])
        return cubes
    # Write a RenderMan archive rib file for the menger cubes
    # or for the cubes that were removed by the delete method.
    def writeAsCubes(self, rib_path, cube_type='retained'):
        f = open(rib_path,'w')
        bboxStr = ' '.join(map(str, self.bbox))
        f.write('#bbox: %s\n' % bboxStr)
        if cube_type == 'retained':
            cubes = self.retainedCubes
            cubes = self.deletedCubes
        counter = 1
        for cube in cubes:
            f.write(ri_utils.Cube(cube, counter))
            counter += 1
        return len(cubes)
    # Not used in this example implementation but could be 
    # used to cull cubes on the basis of their distance from
    # a central location - to create a menger sphere.
    def distance(self, p1, p2):
        x = p1[0]-p2[0]
        y = p1[1]-p2[1]
        z = p1[2]-p2[2]
        return sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
if __name__=="__main__":
    bounds = [-1,0,-1, 1,2,1]
    removals = [22,16,14,13,12,10,4]
    menger3d = Menger3D(bounds, 2, removals)