# ri_utils.py
# A collection of procs that generate strings containing the
# RenderMan description of a surface. For example,
# import ri_utils
# verts = [ [-1,0,1], [1,0,1], [1,0,-1] ]
# print ri_utils.Polygon(verts)
# will generate the following Rib statement:
# Polygon "P" [-1.0  0.0 1.0 1.0  0.0 1.0 1.0  0.0 -1.0]
# Malcolm Kesson Jan 20 2013
def Cube(bbox, index):    
    pnts = []
    minX,minY,minZ,maxX,maxY,maxZ = bbox
    rib =  'Attribute "identifier" "float id" [' + str(index) + ']\n'
    rib += 'PointsGeneralPolygons [1 1 1 1 1 1] '
    rib += '[4 4 4 4 4 4]\n'
    rib += '\t\t[0 1 3 2 2 3 5 4 4 5 7 6 6 7 1 0 1 7 5 3 6 0 2 4]\n'
    rib += '\t\t"P" ['
    pnts.append('%1.3f  %1.3f %1.3f' % (minX,minY,maxZ))
    pnts.append(' %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f' % (maxX,minY,maxZ))
    pnts.append(' %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f' % (minX,maxY,maxZ))
    pnts.append(' %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f' % (maxX,maxY,maxZ))
    pnts.append(' %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f' % (minX,maxY,minZ))
    pnts.append(' %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f' % (maxX,maxY,minZ))    
    pnts.append(' %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f' % (minX,minY,minZ))    
    pnts.append(' %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f' % (maxX,minY,minZ))
    rib += ''.join(pnts)
    rib += ']\n'
    return rib
def __cube_edges(bbox):
    x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1 = bbox
    edges = []
    # lower edges
    edges.append([ [x0,y0,z0], [x0,y0,z1] ]) # edge 0_1
    edges.append([ [x0,y0,z1], [x1,y0,z1] ]) # edge 1_2
    edges.append([ [x1,y0,z1], [x1,y0,z0] ]) # edge 2_3
    edges.append([ [x1,y0,z0], [x0,y0,z0] ]) # edge 3_0
    # upper edges
    edges.append([ [x0,y1,z0], [x0,y1,z1] ]) # edge 4_5
    edges.append([ [x0,y1,z1], [x1,y1,z1] ]) # edge 5_6
    edges.append([ [x1,y1,z1], [x1,y1,z0] ]) # edge 6_7
    edges.append([ [x1,y1,z0], [x0,y1,z0] ]) # edge 7_4
    # vertical edges
    edges.append([ [x0,y0,z0], [x0,y1,z0] ]) # edge 0_4
    edges.append([ [x0,y0,z1], [x0,y1,z1] ]) # edge 1_5
    edges.append([ [x1,y0,z1], [x1,y1,z1] ]) # edge 2_6
    edges.append([ [x1,y0,z0], [x1,y1,z0] ]) # edge 3_7
    return edges
def CubeEdges(bbox, width):
    edges = __cube_edges(bbox)
    rib = ''
    for edge in edges:
        pnts = []
        begin,end = edge
        x,y,z = begin
        X,Y,Z = end
        rib +=  '\tCurves "linear" [2] "nonperiodic" \n'
        rib += '\t\t"P" ['
        pnts.append('%1.3f  %1.3f %1.3f' % (x,y,z))
        pnts.append(' %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f' % (X,Y,Z))
        rib += ''.join(pnts)
        rib += '] "constantwidth" [%1.3f]\n' % width
    return rib
def Polygon(verts, index):
    pnts = []
    rib =  'Attribute "identifier" "float id" [' + str(index) + ']\n'
    rib += 'Polygon "P" ['
    for vert in verts:
        x,y,z = vert
        pnts.append('%1.3f  %1.3f %1.3f ' % (x,y,z))
    rib += ''.join(pnts)
    rib += ']\n'
    return rib
def HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh(mesh, index):
    loops = []             # a list of the number of vertices of each face
    vertLUT = {}        # a sequence of unique vertices
    for poly in mesh:
        loops.append(' %d' % len(poly))
        for vert in poly:
            vertLUT[vert] = vert
    # Convert the LUT to a list so that indexing can be used
    pnts = []
    for item in vertLUT.keys():
    indices = []
    for poly in mesh:
        for vert in poly:
            indices.append(' %d' % pnts.index(vert))
    rib =  'Attribute "identifier" "float id" [' + str(index) + ']\n'
    rib += 'HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh "catmull-clark" \n['
    rib += ''.join(loops)
    rib += ']\n['
    rib += ''.join(indices)
    rib += ']\n'
    rib += '["creasemethod" "facevaryingpropagatecorners" "interpolateboundary"] [0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0] [1 1] [] ["chaikin"]\n'
    rib += '"P" [\n'
    pntstr = []
    for pnt in pnts:
        x,y,z = pnt
        pntstr.append('%1.4f %1.4f %1.4f ' % (x,y,z))
    rib += ''.join(pntstr)
    rib += ']\n'
    return rib
def PointsGeneralPolygons(mesh, index):
    faces = []
    loops = []
    vertLUT = {}
    for poly in mesh:
        faces.append(' 1')
        loops.append(' %d' % len(poly))
        for vert in poly:
            vertLUT[vert] = vert
    pnts = []
    for item in vertLUT.keys():
    indices = []
    for poly in mesh:
        for vert in poly:
            indices.append(' %d' % pnts.index(vert))
    rib =  'Attribute "identifier" "float id" [' + str(index) + ']\n'
    rib += 'PointsGeneralPolygons ['
    rib += ''.join(faces)
    rib += ']\n['
    rib += ''.join(loops)
    rib += ']\n['
    rib += ''.join(indices)
    rib += '] \n"P" [\n'
    pntstr = []
    for pnt in pnts:
        x,y,z = pnt
        pntstr.append('%1.4f %1.4f %1.4f ' % (x,y,z))
    rib += ''.join(pntstr)
    rib += ']\n'
    return rib
def Cylinder(bbox, index):
    x,y,z,X,Y,Z = bbox
    xrad = (X - x) / 2
    zrad = (Z - z) / 2
    rad = (xrad + zrad) / 2
    height = Y - y
    rib = 'TransformBegin\n'
    rib += '\tTranslate %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f \n' % (x,y,z)
    rib += '\tRotate 90 1 0 0\n'
    rib += '\tAttribute "identifier" "float id" [' + str(index) + ']\n'
    rib += '\tCylinder %1.3f 0 %1.3f 360\n' % (rad,height)
    rib += 'TransformEnd\n'
    return rib