Nebula Point Clouds

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This page presents a technique for generating a point cloud that mimics the sinuous distribution of stars embedded within a nebula - figure 1. The shader shown in listing 2 is similiar to the one used to bake a 3D sierpinski gasket.

Figure 1

Because the shader is used on a single point primitive we can be sure it will only be called once. For that reason the shader can perform calculations that otherwise would be prohibitively expensive.

The shader consists of a loop within which,

  1. a random point is generated,
  2. the point is offset by -0.5, -0.5, -0.5,
  3. the point is used to define a vector,
  4. the vector is normalized,
  5. and its length randomized,
  6. a density function calculates a value that determines whether or not the coordinates of the vector should be baked into a point cloud.

The calculations within the loop are visualized in figures 2 to 5.

Figure 2 - Random points

Figure 3 - Points on a sphere

Figure 4 - Points in a sphere

Figure 5 - Output from worley()

Listing 1 (density.h)

// From pages 257 and 258 of Advanced RenderMan by Apodaca & Gritz
float worley(point p; 
            string spacename; 
            float  freq)
point pp = transform(spacename, p) * freq;
point thiscell = point(floor(xcomp(pp))+0.5,
float dist2nearest = 1000;
uniform float i,j,k;
for(i = -1; i <= 1; i+= 1)
    for(j = -1; j <= 1; j+= 1)
        for(k = -1; k <= 1; k+= 1)
           point testcell = thiscell + vector(i,j,k);
           point pos = testcell + vector cellnoise(testcell)-0.5;
           float dist = distance(pos,pp);
           if(dist < dist2nearest)
           dist2nearest = dist;
return dist2nearest;

Listing 2

#include "density.h"
nebula(float iterations = 100000,
             mindensity = 0.8;
      string bakename = "")
normal n = normal(0,0,0);
float  j, x, y, z;
point  p;
vector vec;
float  density;
for(j = 0; j < iterations; j = j + 1)
    // Generate a random point
    p = random();
    p = (p - 0.5) * 2;
    vec = vector "world" (xcomp(p),
    // Randomize the length of the vector so 
    // that we get locations distributed more
    // or less uniformly within the sphere.
    vec = normalize(vec) * random();
    p = point "world" (xcomp(vec), 
    // Generate a value based on our point position
    density = worley(p,"object", 5);
    if(density >= mindensity) {
        bake3d(bakename, "P,N,Os", p, n, 
            "P", p, 
            "N", n,
            "Os", color(density,density,density));
Oi = Cs;
Ci = Oi * Cs;

Bake Pass/Beauty Pass

Listing 3 provides a sample rib file suitable for baking a nebula point cloud. Listing 4 provides a beauty pass sample rib file for rendering the nebula brickmap as geometry.

Listing 3 (bake pass)

DisplayChannel "color P"
DisplayChannel "color N"
DisplayChannel "color Os"
Display "nebula" "framebuffer" "rgba"
Format 800 800 1
Projection "perspective" "fov" 40
ShadingRate .01
LightSource "distantlight" 1 "intensity" 1.5 
                 "from" [0 0 0] "to" [0 0 1]
Translate  0 0 4
Rotate -10 1 0 0
Rotate 0   0 1 0
Scale 1 1 -1
       Surface "nebula2"
               "mindensity" 0.8
               "bakename" ["./nebula.ptc"]
               "iterations" 1000000
       Points "P" [0 0 0] "constantwidth" [0.008]
System "brickmake ./nebula.ptc ./nebula.bkm"

Listing 4 (beauty pass)

Display "nebula" "framebuffer" "rgba"
Format 400 400 1
Projection "perspective" "fov" 30
ShadingRate 20
Translate  0 0 4
Rotate -10 1 0 0
Rotate 0   0 1 0
Scale 1 1 -1
    LightSource "pointlight" 2 "intensity" 0.25 
            "from" [0 0.6 0] 
            "lightcolor" [0.5 0.5 1]
    LightSource "pointlight" 3 "intensity" 0.25 
            "from" [-0.4 -0.6 0] 
            "lightcolor" [1 0.25 0.25]
    LightSource "pointlight" 4 "intensity" 5 
            "from" [3 0 1] 
            "lightcolor" [1 0.85 1]
        Surface "nebula_show".
        Geometry "brickmap" "filename" "./nebula.bkm"

Listing 5 gives the code for a shader that considers the normal of the micro-polygon being shaded to face the incident ray ie. the viewing vector. This ensures that when the brickmap is rendered as geometry all parts of the nebula have equal brightness. It also uses a function that can apply a noisey offset to the normal and, hence, to the brightness of the micro-polygon.

Listing 5

vector wobble(point p; float amp) {             
    vector result = noise(p * 4) * amp;
    return result;
nebula_show(float Kd = 1)
normal fakeN = normalize(-I);
fakeN += wobble(transform("shader", P), 1.8);
color  diffusecolor = Kd * diffuse(fakeN);
Oi = Os;
Ci = Oi * Cs * diffusecolor;

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