# menuInfo fundza,Flame#0 multiple Flame Utility
## Generated by Cutter 6.8.2 on 2.16.2015 at 7:25:47
## Cutter software by Malcolm Kesson - all rights reserved.
slim 1 extensions cutter {
extensions fundza cutr {
    template multiple Flame {
        description {Node description goes here...}
        # Other shape names are Plane, Sphere, Torus,
        # Cylinder, Cube, Teapot, Volume and RiVolume
        previewinfo {
            shadingrate 1
            objectsize 1
            objectshape Plane
            frame 1
        collection manifold Manifold {
            description {the topological space to which the 'st' coordinates will be parented}
            detail mustvary "pixar,ST"
            state locked
            parameter point Q {
                detail mustvary
                default point(s,t,0)
            parameter vector dQu {
                detail mustvary
            parameter vector dQv {
                detail mustvary
        # Parameters are used to collect all information associated
        # with a single parameter of an appearance.
        parameter color tip {
            description {Parameter information goes here...}
            label {tip}
            detail varying
            default {1 1 1}
        parameter color base {
            description {Parameter information goes here...}
            label {base}
            detail varying
            default {1 1 1}
        parameter float noisiness {
            description {Parameter information goes here...}
            label {noisiness}
            detail varying
            default 0
            subtype slider
            range {0 1 0.05}
        parameter float blur {
            description {Parameter information goes here...}
            label {blur}
            detail varying
            default 0
            subtype slider
            range {0 1 0.05}
        parameter float resultF {
            display hidden
            access output
        parameter color resultRGB {
            display hidden
            access output
        RSLFunction {
        cutrFlame (
                point Q;
                vector dQu;
                vector dQv;
                color tip;
                color base;
                float noisiness;
                float blur;
                output varying float resultF;
                output varying color resultRGB;
        float    _ss_ = mod(xcomp(Q),1);
        float    _tt_ = mod(ycomp(Q),1);
        resultRGB =  mix(tip, base, _tt_);
        resultF = 1 - smoothstep(_tt_ - blur, _tt_ + blur, noisiness);
} } } }