Whats New - Version 4.4.4

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Auto naming of RSL and RIB files
Based on a suggestion by Michael Clive (http://clivefx.com) when Cutter saves an RSL document for the first time it automatically sets the name of the file to match the name of the shader that the file implements. Likewise, when Cutter generates a RIB file to test a RenderMan shader it automatically names the RIB to match the name of the shader. For example, suppose the RSL file for a shader called "freddy" is open on Cutters desktop.

Saving previous directory locations
The open file dialog and the save file dialog now have a simple interface to save preset locations ie. directories. The "+" and "-" buttons add and remove the current directory to a popup list - as shown in fig 1. The Preset panel is shared by all the dialogs that manage the opening and saving of files. Therefore, a change to one will change to them all.

Executing a slim template
The previous version of Cutter added the ability to convert a RenderMan Shading Language file to an equivalent Slim template - Converting RSL to a Slim. This version goes one step further and will automatically run the Slim script in Maya. The following steps outline the process.

  1. in Maya load the mtor plugin
  2. in Maya run the Mel command commandPort -n ":2222"
  3. in Cutter open a slim template or convert an RSL document
  4. in Cutter press alt+e or control+e to execute the Slim template

fig 1

The number of the port that is opened by the commandPort statement is important only in as much as it must match Cutters preferences - fig 2. Notice the IP address field has been left blank. If Maya is running on the same computer as Cutter there is no need to specify the computers IP address. However, if you are working on two computers then the IP Address field must match the computer that is running Maya.

So What Happens?
When a Slim template document is executed (alt+e or control+e) Cutter sends a Mel script to Maya that will cause mtors slim environment to open a palette, load the Slim template and, finally, open its appearance editor. Thus the entire process of editing a Slim template document and "running" it in Maya can be achieved quickly from within Cutter.

Please refer to Cutter - Automatic Conversion of Shaders and RSL Functions to Slim Files for a full account of Cutter and slim.

fig 2

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