Generated Feb 24th 2019 using,
import prman

Help on class Ri in module prman:

class Ri(Ri)
 |  # Ri class exposes the Ri entrypoints defined in the prman module.
 |  # Additionally, we intercept the Declare call to ensure a python-side
 |  # declartion for global tokens.  We also expose python tokens for
 |  # standard Ri tokens and vars:  RI_RGBA, RiBezierBasis, etc.
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Ri
 |      Ri
 |      __builtin__.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  Declare(self, name, decl)
 |  StandardStructureHints(self)
 |  __init__(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  A = 'varying float a'
 |  ABORT = 'uniform int abort'
 |  ADD = 'add'
 |  ADDCOVERAGE = 'uniform float addcoverage'
 |  AI = 'ai'
 |  ALGORITHM = 'uniform string algorithm'
 |  AMBIENTLIGHT = 'ambientlight'
 |  AMPLITUDE = 'uniform float amplitude'
 |  APERTURE = 'uniform float[4] aperture'
 |  ARCHIVE = 'uniform string archive'
 |  ATMOSPHERES = 'constant int atmospheres'
 |  ATRIBUTECOMBINING = 'uniform string attributecombining'
 |  AUTOBIAS = 'constant int autobias'
 |  AZ = 'az'
 |  AZI = 'azi'
 |  BACKFACETOLERANCE = 'uniform float backfacetolerance'
 |  BACKFACING = 'uniform int backfacing'
 |  BACKGROUND = 'uniform color background'
 |  BAKE = 'bake'
 |  BEAMDISTRIBUTION = 'uniform float beamdistribution'
 |  BESSEL = 'bessel'
 |  BEZIER = 'bezier'
 |  BIAS = 'constant float bias'
 |  BIAS0 = 'uniform float bias0'
 |  BIAS1 = 'uniform float bias1'
 |  BICUBIC = 'bicubic'
 |  BILINEAR = 'bilinear'
 |  BINARY = 'uniform int binary'
 |  BINARYFORCE = 'uniform int twiceasslowwithmoreartifacts'
 |  BLACK = 'black'
 |  BLACKMANHARRIS = 'blackman-harris'
 |  BLP = 'blp'
 |  BOUND = 'float[6] __bound'
 |  BOUND0 = 'float[6] __bound0'
 |  BOUND1 = 'float[6] __bound1'
 |  BOX = 'box'
 |  BRICKMEMORY = 'uniform int brickmemory'
 |  BSPLINE = 'b-spline'
 |  BSplineBasis = 'BSplineBasis'
 |  BUCKET = 'bucket'
 |  BUCKETSIZE = 'uniform int[2] bucketsize'
 |  BUCKETSTRIDE = 'uniform int[2] bucketstride'
 |  BUMPY = 'bumpy'
 |  BesselFilter = 'BesselFilter'
 |  BezierBasis = 'BezierBasis'
 |  BlackmanHarrisFilter = 'BlackmanHarrisFilter'
 |  BoxFilter = 'BoxFilter'
 |  CACHEDIFFUSECOLORS = 'uniform int cachediffusecolors'
 |  CACHEMODE = 'uniform int __cachemode'
 |  CAMERA = 'uniform int camera'
 |  CAMERAHITMODE = 'string camerahitmode'
 |  CATMARK = 'catmull-clark'
 |  CATROM = 'catmull-rom'
 |  CENTERED = 'uniform int centered'
 |  CENTERFILTER = 'uniform int centerfilter'
 |  CHANLIST = 'uniform string chanlist'
 |  CHECKNANS = 'uniform int checknans'
 |  CI = 'varying color Ci'
 |  CLAMP = 'clamp'
 |  CLAMPCOLOR = 'uniform float[2] clampcolor'
 |  CLAMPED = 'uniform string clamped'
 |  CLAMPINGENABLE = 'uniform int clampingenable'
 |  CLAMPMOTION = 'uniform int clampmotion'
 |  CLAMPWIDTH = 'constant int clampwidth'
 |  CLEARLOCALS = 'uniform int clearlocals'
 |  CLIPPING = 'uniform float[2] Clipping'
 |  CLIPPINGPLANE = 'uniform float[6] ClippingPlane'
 |  COLOR = 'uniform color Color'
 |  COLORCLAMP = 'uniform float[2] colorclamp'
 |  COMBINED = 'combined'
 |  COMMENT = 'comment'
 |  COMPRESSION = 'uniform string compression'
 |  COMPRESSIONQ = 'uniform string compressionquality'
 |  CONDABORT = 'conditionalabort'
 |  CONEANGLE = 'uniform float coneangle'
 |  CONEDELTAANGLE = 'uniform float conedeltaangle'
 |  CONSTANT = 'constant'
 |  CONSTANTWIDTH = 'constant float constantwidth'
 |  CONTINUATIONBYDEFAULT = 'uniform int continuationbydefault'
 |  COORDINATESYSTEM = 'uniform string CoordinateSystem'
 |  CORNER = 'corner'
 |  CPUTIME = 'uniform float __CPUtime'
 |  CREASE = 'crease'
 |  CROPWINDOW = 'uniform float[4] CropWindow'
 |  CS = 'varying color Cs'
 |  CUBIC = 'cubic'
 |  CULL = 'cull'
 |  CURRENT = 'current'
 |  CURVATURE = 'curvature'
 |  CURVATURE_U = 'curvature_u'
 |  CURVATURE_V = 'curvature_v'
 |  CURVE = 'curve'
 |  CatmullRomBasis = 'CatmullRomBasis'
 |  CatmullRomFilter = 'CatmullRomFilter'
 |  DARKFALLOFF = 'constant float darkfalloff'
 |  DEBUG = 'uniform int debug'
 |  DECIMATIONRATE = 'uniform float decimationrate'
 |  DEEPSHADOWERROR = 'uniform float deepshadowerror'
 |  DEEPSHADOWMEMORY = 'uniform int deepshadowmemory'
 |  DEEPSHADOWSIMPLIFYERROR = 'uniform float deepshadowsimplifyerror'
 |  DEEPSHADOWTILES = 'uniform int deepshadowtiles'
 |  DEFCACHE = 'uniform float defcache'
 |  DEFINITION = 'string definition'
 |  DELETELIGHTS = 'deletelights'
 |  DEPTHBIAS = 'uniform float depthbias'
 |  DEPTHCUE = 'depthcue'
 |  DEPTHFILTER = 'uniform string depthfilter'
 |  DEPTHMODE = 'uniform string depthmode'
 |  DEPTHOFFIELD = 'uniform float[3] DepthOfField'
 |  DERIVATIVES = 'derivatives'
 |  DETAIL = 'uniform float[6] Detail'
 |  DETAILRANGE = 'uniform float[4] DetailRange'
 |  DFAMODE = 'uniform int dfamode'
 |  DICE = 'dice'
 |  DICEMETHOD = 'uniform string dicemethod'
 |  DIFFERENCE = 'difference'
 |  DIFFUSE = 'uniform int diffuse'
 |  DIFFUSEHITMODE = 'string diffusehitmode'
 |  DISABLE = 'uniform int disable'
 |  DISABLELIGHTS = 'string disablelights'
 |  DISK = 'disk'
 |  DISPLACEMENT = 'uniform float displacement'
 |  DISPLACEMENTBOUND = 'displacementbound'
 |  DISPLACEMENTS = 'constant int displacements'
 |  DISPLACE_RATIOS = 'uniform float[2] displace_ratios'
 |  DISPLAY = 'uniform string display'
 |  DISPLAYEXPOSURE = 'uniform float[2] exposure'
 |  DISPLAYONLYEDITLIGHTS = 'uniform int displayonlyeditlights'
 |  DISPLAYOPACITYCHAN = 'uniform string opacity'
 |  DISPLAYQUANTIZE = 'uniform int[4] quantize'
 |  DISTANCE = 'uniform float distance'
 |  DISTANTLIGHT = 'distantlight'
 |  DITHER = 'uniform float dither'
 |  DOF = 'uniform string dof'
 |  DOFASPECT = 'uniform float[2] dofaspect'
 |  DOUBLECOMP = 'doublecomp'
 |  DOUBLESHADED = 'uniform int doubleshaded'
 |  DPDTIME = 'vertex vector dPdtime'
 |  DPDU = 'vertex vector dPdu'
 |  DPDV = 'vertex vector dPdv'
 |  DSOBound = 'DSOBound'
 |  DSOFILE = 'uniform string dsofile'
 |  DSOFLOAT = 'uniform float dsofloat'
 |  DSONAME = 'string __dsoname'
 |  DSOPARAM = 'uniform int dsoparam'
 |  DSOSTRING = 'uniform string dsostring'
 |  DYNAMIC = 'uniform int dynamic'
 |  DiskFilter = 'DiskFilter'
 |  EDGEEDIT = 'edgeedit'
 |  EDITLIGHTS = 'string editlights'
 |  EMISSIONBIAS = 'constant float emissionbias'
 |  EMISSIONPOINTCLOUD = 'uniform string emissionpointcloud'
 |  EMIT = 'uniform int emit'
 |  EMPTY = ''
 |  ENABLE = 'uniform int enable'
 |  ENABLEGAUSSIAN = 'uniform float enable_gaussian'
 |  ENABLELERP = 'uniform float enable_lerp'
 |  ENABLELIGHTS = 'uniform string enablelights'
 |  ENDOFFRAME = 'uniform int endofframe'
 |  EPSILON = 1e-10
 |  EPSILON1 = 'uniform float epsilon1'
 |  EPSILON2 = 'uniform float epsilon2'
 |  EXCLUSIVE = 'exclusive'
 |  EXITAT = 'uniform int exitat'
 |  EXPOSURE = 'uniform float[2] Exposure'
 |  EXTRAPOLATE = 'uniform int extrapolate'
 |  EXTREMEDISPLACEMENT = 'uniform int extremedisplacement'
 |  EXTREMEMOTIONDOF = 'uniform int extrememotiondof'
 |  EYESPLITS = 'uniform int eyesplits'
 |  ErrorAbort = 'ErrorAbort'
 |  ErrorCleanup = 'ErrorCleanup'
 |  ErrorCondAbort = 'ErrorCondAbort'
 |  ErrorIgnore = 'ErrorIgnore'
 |  ErrorPrint = 'ErrorPrint'
 |  ErrorPrintOnce = 'ErrorPrintOnce'
 |  FACEEDIT = 'faceedit'
 |  FACEINDEX = '__faceindex'
 |  FACEVARYINGINTERPBOUNDARY = 'facevaryinginterpolateboundary'
 |  FALLOFFPOWER = 'varying float falloffpower'
 |  FALSE = 0
 |  FILE = 'constant string file'
 |  FILEMODE = 'uniform string filemode'
 |  FILENAME = 'uniform string filename'
 |  FILTER = 'uniform string filter'
 |  FILTERING = 'int filtering'
 |  FILTERWIDTH = 'uniform float[2] filterwidth'
 |  FINISHRENDERING = 'finishrendering'
 |  FLATNESS = 'uniform float flatness'
 |  FOCUSFACTOR = 'uniform float focusfactor'
 |  FOCUSREGION = 'uniform float focusregion'
 |  FOG = 'fog'
 |  FORCEDSAMPLING = 'uniform int forcedsampling'
 |  FORMATPIXELASPECTRATIO = 'uniform float FormatPixelAspectRatio'
 |  FORMATRESOLUTION = 'uniform int[2] FormatResolution'
 |  FOV = 'uniform float fov'
 |  FRAME = 'frame'
 |  FRAMEASPECTRATIO = 'uniform float FrameAspectRatio'
 |  FRAMEBUFFER = 'constant string framebuffer'
 |  FRAMECAMERA = 'framecamera'
 |  FREQUENCYFRAMETIME = 'uniform float frequencyframetime'
 |  FROM = 'uniform point from'
 |  FRUSTUM = 'uniform int frustum'
 |  GAUSSIAN = 'gaussian'
 |  GEOCACHEMEMORY = 'uniform int geocachememory'
 |  GEOMETRICAPPROXIMATIONFLATNESS = 'uniform float GeometricApproximation...
 |  GEOMETRICAPPROXIMATIONFOCUSFACTOR = 'uniform float GeometricApproximat...
 |  GEOMETRICAPPROXIMATIONMOTIONFACTOR = 'uniform float GeometricApproxima...
 |  GPRIMLOG = 'uniform string[2] gprimlog'
 |  GPRIMSPLITS = 'uniform int gprimsplits'
 |  GRIDAREA = 'uniform float[2] gridarea'
 |  GRIDCACHESIZE = 'gridcachesize'
 |  GRIDMEMORY = 'uniform int gridmemory'
 |  GRIDS = 'grids'
 |  GRIDSIZE = 'uniform int gridsize'
 |  GROUPING = 'grouping'
 |  GRP_MEMBERSHIP = 'uniform string membership'
 |  GRP_TRACESUBSET = 'uniform string tracesubset'
 |  GaussianFilter = 'GaussianFilter'
 |  HAIR = 'uniform int hair'
 |  HANDLE = 'uniform string handle'
 |  HANDLEID = 'uniform string __handleid'
 |  HANDLER = 'handler'
 |  HEMISPHERESAMPLEMEMORY = 'uniform int hemispheresamplememory'
 |  HERMITE = 'hermite'
 |  HIDDEN = 'uniform int hidden'
 |  HOLE = 'hole'
 |  HermiteBasis = 'HermiteBasis'
 |  I = 'i'
 |  ID = 'uniform int id'
 |  IDENTIFIER = 'identifier'
 |  IGNORE = 'ignore'
 |  ILLUMINATEHANDLE = 'uniform string IlluminateHandle'
 |  IMMEDIATESUBDIVIDE = 'int __immediatesubdivide'
 |  IMPORTANCETHRESHOLD = 'importancethreshold'
 |  INDEXOFREFRACTION = 'uniform float indexofrefraction'
 |  INFINITY = 1e+38
 |  INSIDE = 'inside'
 |  INTENSITY = 'uniform float intensity'
 |  INTERLEAVE = 'uniform string interleave'
 |  INTERPBOUNDARY = 'interpolateboundary'
 |  INTERPRETATION = 'uniform string interpretation'
 |  INTERSECTION = 'intersection'
 |  INTERSECTPRIORITY = 'uniform int intersectpriority'
 |  INTERVAL = 'uniform int interval'
 |  JITTER = 'uniform int jitter'
 |  KA = 'uniform float Ka'
 |  KD = 'uniform float Kd'
 |  KEEPFILES = 'uniform int keepfiles'
 |  KR = 'uniform float Kr'
 |  KS = 'uniform float Ks'
 |  LAGRANGIAN = 'lagrangian'
 |  LANCZOS = 'lanczos'
 |  LEVELSET = 'constant float levelset'
 |  LH = 'lh'
 |  LIGHT = 'light'
 |  LIGHTCOLOR = 'uniform color lightcolor'
 |  LIGHTING = 'lighting'
 |  LIMITS = 'limits'
 |  LINEAR = 'linear'
 |  LODRANGE = 'uniform int[2] lodrange'
 |  LOOP = 'loop'
 |  LPEGROUP = 'uniform string lpegroup'
 |  LanczosFilter = 'LanczosFilter'
 |  MARCH = 'uniform int march'
 |  MATRIXCACHEMEMORY = 'uniform int matrixcachememory'
 |  MATTE = 'uniform int Matte'
 |  MATTEFILE = 'uniform string mattefile'
 |  MAXANGLE = 'uniform int maxangle'
 |  MAXDEPTH = 'constant int maxdepth'
 |  MAXDIFFUSEDEPTH = 'constant int maxdiffusedepth'
 |  MAXDISTANCE = 'uniform float maxdistance'
 |  MAXERROR = 'uniform float maxerror'
 |  MAXHAIRLENGTH = 'uniform int maxhairlength'
 |  MAXHAIRVOLUME = 'uniform int maxhairvolume'
 |  MAXPATHLENGTH = 'uniform int maxpathlength'
 |  MAXPIXELDIST = 'uniform float maxpixeldist'
 |  MAXRAYDEPTH = 'constant int maxraydepth'
 |  MAXSPECULARDEPTH = 'constant int maxspeculardepth'
 |  MAXVPDEPTH = 'constant int maxvpdepth'
 |  MERGE = 'uniform int merge'
 |  METAL = 'metal'
 |  MIDPOINT = 'uniform int midpoint'
 |  MINDISTANCE = 'uniform float mindistance'
 |  MINMAX = 'uniform int minmax'
 |  MINWIDTH = 'constant float minwidth'
 |  MITCHELL = 'mitchell'
 |  MODE = 'string mode'
 |  MOTIONFACTOR = 'uniform float motionfactor'
 |  MPCACHE = 'uniform int mpcache'
 |  MPCACHEDIR = 'uniform string mpcachedir'
 |  MPCACHESTRIDE = 'uniform int mpcachestride'
 |  MPMEMORY = 'uniform int mpmemory'
 |  MULTIGRIDS = 'uniform int multigrids'
 |  MitchellFilter = 'MitchellFilter'
 |  N = 'varying normal N'
 |  NAME = 'uniform string name'
 |  NDC = 'NDC'
 |  NEARHITHER = 'uniform float nearhither'
 |  NEWER = 'uniform int newer'
 |  NEWGROUP = 'uniform int newgroup'
 |  NG = 'uniform normal Ng'
 |  NONPERIODIC = 'nonperiodic'
 |  NONUNIFORM = 'uniform int nonuniform'
 |  NP = 'uniform normal Np'
 |  NURBCURVATUREDICEFACTOR = 'uniform int nurbcurvaturedicefactor'
 |  OBJECT = 'object'
 |  OBJECTCACHE = 'uniform float objectcache'
 |  OCCLUSIONBOUND = 'uniform float occlusionbound'
 |  OCTREEMEMORY = 'uniform int octreememory'
 |  OFFSET = 'uniform float offset'
 |  OI = 'varying color Oi'
 |  OLDMOTIONFACTOR = 'uniform float oldmotionfactor'
 |  OPACITY = 'uniform color Opacity'
 |  OPACITYCACHEMEMORY = 'uniform int opacitycachememory'
 |  OPACITYMETHOD = 'uniform string opacitymethod'
 |  OPACITYMULTIPLIER = 'uniform float opacitymultiplier'
 |  OPAQUE = 'opaque'
 |  ORDER = 'uniform string order'
 |  ORDERORIGIN = 'uniform int[2] orderorigin'
 |  ORIENTATION = 'uniform string Orientation'
 |  ORIGIN = 'uniform int[2] origin'
 |  ORTHOGRAPHIC = 'orthographic'
 |  OS = 'varying color Os'
 |  OTHRESHOLD = 'uniform color othreshold'
 |  OUTPUTALLDECLARES = 'uniform int outputalldeclares'
 |  OUTSIDE = 'outside'
 |  P = 'vertex point P'
 |  PAINT = 'paint'
 |  PAINTEDPLASTIC = 'paintedplastic'
 |  PATTERN = 'uniform string pattern'
 |  PDISC = 'uniform int pdisc'
 |  PERIODIC = 'periodic'
 |  PERSISTENT = 'persistent'
 |  PERSPECTIVE = 'perspective'
 |  PIXELFILTERNAME = 'uniform string PixelFilterName'
 |  PIXELFILTERWIDTH = 'uniform float[2] PixelFilterWidth'
 |  PIXELSAMPLES = 'uniform float[2] PixelSamples'
 |  PIXELVARIANCE = 'uniform float PixelVariance'
 |  PLANARPROJECTION = 'uniform string planarprojection'
 |  PLASTIC = 'plastic'
 |  POINTFALLOFFPOWER = 'uniform float pointfalloffpower'
 |  POINTLIGHT = 'pointlight'
 |  POINTMEMORY = 'uniform int pointmemory'
 |  POWER = 'power'
 |  PREBIAS = 'uniform float prebias'
 |  PRECISION = 'uniform int precision'
 |  PRESERVECV = 'uniform int preservecv'
 |  PRIMITIVE = 'primitive'
 |  PRINT = 'uniform int print'
 |  PRINTONCE = 'printonce'
 |  PRMAN_VERSION = (22, 3, 1923583, '')
 |  PRMAN_VERSION_STR = '22.3'
 |  PROCEDURAL = 'uniform string procedural'
 |  PROJECTIONNAME = 'uniform string ProjectionName'
 |  PT = 'vertex float Pt'
 |  PTEXTUREMAXFILES = 'uniform int ptexturemaxfiles'
 |  PTEXTUREMEMORY = 'uniform int ptexturememory'
 |  PVN = 'uniform float[4] pvn'
 |  PW = 'vertex hpoint Pw'
 |  PYRAMID = 'uniform int pyramid'
 |  PYRAMIDENABLE = 'uniform int pyramidenable'
 |  PZ = 'vertex float Pz'
 |  PowerBasis = 'PowerBasis'
 |  Proc2DelayedReadArchive = 'Proc2DelayedReadArchive'
 |  Proc2DynamicLoad = 'Proc2DynamicLoad'
 |  ProcDelayedReadArchive = 'ProcDelayedReadArchive'
 |  ProcDynamicLoad = 'ProcDynamicLoad'
 |  ProcRunProgram = 'ProcRunProgram'
 |  QUANTIZEDITHER = 'uniform float QuantizeDither'
 |  QUANTIZERANGE = 'uniform int[3] QuantizeRange'
 |  QUANTIZETYPE = 'uniform string QuantizeType'
 |  R = 'r'
 |  RADIOSITYCACHEMEMORY = 'uniform int radiositycachememory'
 |  RADIOSITYCACHEOMITMINUSONE = 'uniform int radiositycacheomitminusone'
 |  RADIUS = 'varying float radius'
 |  RASTER = 'raster'
 |  RASTERORIENT = 'uniform int rasterorient'
 |  RAYDEPTH = 'constant int raydepth'
 |  RAYTRACE = 'raytrace'
 |  RAY_KAYJIYA = 'kay-kajiya'
 |  RAY_LIST = 'list'
 |  RAY_TREE = 'tree'
 |  REFLECTEXCLUDESUBSET = 'uniform string reflectexcludesubset'
 |  REFLECTION = 'uniform int reflection'
 |  REFLECTSUBSET = 'uniform string reflectsubset'
 |  REFWARNING = 'uniform int refwarning'
 |  RELATIVEDETAIL = 'uniform float RelativeDetail'
 |  RELATIVEPIXELVARIANCE = 'uniform float relativepixelvariance'
 |  RELATIVESHADINGRATE = 'uniform float relativeshadingrate'
 |  RELIGHTING = 'relighting'
 |  REMAP = 'constant float[3] remap'
 |  RENDER = 'Ri:render'
 |  RENDERMEMORY = 'uniform float rendermemory'
 |  RENDERNULL = 'Ri:rendernull'
 |  RENDERTIME = 'uniform int rendertime'
 |  REPELFILE = 'uniform string repelfile'
 |  REPELPARAMS = 'uniform float repelparams'
 |  RERENDERBAKEDBDIR = 'uniform string rerenderbakedbdir'
 |  RESETRELATIVESHADINGRATE = 'uniform float resetrelativeshadingrate'
 |  RESIZE = 'uniform string resize'
 |  RESOLUTION = 'uniform float[2] resolution'
 |  RESOLUTIONUNIT = 'uniform string resolutionunit'
 |  RESOURCE = 'uniform string resource'
 |  REVERSEORIENTATION = 'uniform int ReverseOrientation'
 |  REVERSESIGN = 'uniform int reversesign'
 |  RGB = 'rgb'
 |  RGBA = 'rgba'
 |  RGBAI = 'rgbai'
 |  RGBAZ = 'rgbaz'
 |  RGBAZI = 'rgbazi'
 |  RGBI = 'rgbi'
 |  RGBZ = 'rgbz'
 |  RGBZI = 'rgbzi'
 |  RH = 'rh'
 |  RIB = 'rib'
 |  RIBPARSE = 'ribparse'
 |  RIFCONTROL = 'rifcontrol'
 |  RIXPLUGIN = 'uniform string rixplugin'
 |  ROUGHNESS = 'uniform float roughness'
 |  ROWSPERSTRIP = 'uniform string rowsperstrip'
 |  RUNFLAGS = '_runflags'
 |  S = 'varying float s'
 |  SAMPLEMOTION = 'constant int samplemotion'
 |  SAVEDATTRIBUTES = 'string __savedattributes'
 |  SAVESHADERSTATE = 'uniform int saveshaderstate'
 |  SCOPEDCOORDINATESYSTEM = 'uniform string ScopedCoordinateSystem'
 |  SCOPENAMES = 'scopenames'
 |  SCREEN = 'screen'
 |  SCREENWINDOW = 'uniform float[4] ScreenWindow'
 |  SEARCHPATH = 'searchpath'
 |  SENSE = 'uniform string sense'
 |  SEPARATE = 'separate'
 |  SEPCATROM = 'separable-catmull-rom'
 |  SHADE = 'shade'
 |  SHADEGROUPS = 'uniform int shadegroups'
 |  SHADEGROUPSIZEFACTOR = 'uniform float shadegroupsizefactor'
 |  SHADEQUEUESIZEFACTOR = 'uniform float shadequeuesizefactor'
 |  SHADER = 'uniform string shader'
 |  SHADERINSTANCEID = 'constant string __instanceid'
 |  SHADERPROFILE = 'uniform string shaderprofile'
 |  SHADESIZE = 'uniform int shadesize'
 |  SHADEWCACHE = 'shadewithcache'
 |  SHADING = 'shading'
 |  SHADINGGROUP = 'uniform string shadinggroup'
 |  SHADINGINTERPOLATION = 'uniform string ShadingInterpolation'
 |  SHADINGRATE = 'uniform float ShadingRate'
 |  SHADOW = 'uniform int shadow'
 |  SHADOWEXCLUDESUBSET = 'uniform string shadowexcludesubset'
 |  SHADOWSUBSET = 'uniform string shadowsubset'
 |  SHINYMETAL = 'shinymetal'
 |  SHUTTER = 'uniform float[2] Shutter'
 |  SHUTTEROPENING = 'uniform float[2] shutteropening'
 |  SIDES = 'uniform int Sides'
 |  SIGMA = 'uniform int sigma'
 |  SIGMABLUR = 'uniform float sigmablur'
 |  SINC = 'sinc'
 |  SMOOTH = 'smooth'
 |  SMOOTHTRIANGLES = 'smoothtriangles'
 |  SOURCE = 'uniform string source'
 |  SPATIALGROUPING = 'uniform int spatialgrouping'
 |  SPECULAR = 'uniform int specular'
 |  SPECULARCOLOR = 'uniform color specularcolor'
 |  SPECULARHITMODE = 'string specularhitmode'
 |  SPECULARTHRESHOLD = 'uniform float specularthreshold'
 |  SPHERE = 'uniform float sphere'
 |  SPHERICALPROJECTION = 'uniform string sphericalprojection'
 |  SPLITMODE = 'uniform int splitmode'
 |  SPOTLIGHT = 'spotlight'
 |  SRGB = 'uniform int srgb'
 |  ST = 'varying float[2] st'
 |  STANDARD = 'standard'
 |  STATISTICS = 'uniform string statistics'
 |  STEREOPLANEDEPTHS = 'uniform string stereoplanedepths'
 |  STEREOPLANEOFFSETS = 'uniform string stereoplaneoffsets'
 |  STITCH = 'constant int stitch'
 |  STOCHASTIC = 'stochastic'
 |  STRATEGY = 'uniform string strategy'
 |  STREAMMARKER = 'streammarker'
 |  STRUCTURE = 'structure'
 |  STYLESHEET = 'uniform string stylesheet'
 |  SUBOCCLUSION = 'uniform int subocclusion'
 |  SUBPIXEL = 'uniform int subpixel'
 |  SUBWINDOW = 'uniform int[5] subwindow'
 |  SUSPENDRENDERING = 'suspendrendering'
 |  SeparableCatmullRomFilter = 'SeparableCatmullRomFilter'
 |  SimpleBound = 'SimpleBound'
 |  SincFilter = 'SincFilter'
 |  T = 'varying float t'
 |  TEXTURE = 'uniform string texture'
 |  TEXTURECOORDINATES = 'uniform float[8] TextureCoordinates'
 |  TEXTUREMEMORY = 'uniform int texturememory'
 |  TEXTURENAME = 'uniform string texturename'
 |  THREADS = 'uniform int threads'
 |  THRESHOLD = 'constant float __threshold'
 |  TIMER = 'uniform int timer'
 |  TO = 'uniform point to'
 |  TRACE = 'constant int trace'
 |  TRACEENABLE = 'uniform int traceenable'
 |  TRACEMINWIDTH = 'constant float traceminwidth'
 |  TRANSFORM = 'uniform matrix transform'
 |  TRANSIENT = 'transient'
 |  TRANSMISSION = 'uniform int transmission'
 |  TRANSMISSIONHITMODE = 'string transmissionhitmode'
 |  TRANSMITEXCLUDESUBSET = 'uniform string transmitexcludesubset'
 |  TRANSMITSUBSET = 'uniform string transmitsubset'
 |  TRANSPARENT = 'transparent'
 |  TRIANGLE = 'triangle'
 |  TRIM = 'trim'
 |  TRIMCURVE = 'trimcurve'
 |  TRIMDEVIATION = 'uniform float trimdeviation'
 |  TRUE = 1
 |  TriangleFilter = 'TriangleFilter'
 |  U = 'varying float u'
 |  UBASISNAME = 'constant string __ubasisname'
 |  UNIFORM_TRIMRANGE = 'uniform float[2] trimrange'
 |  UNION = 'union'
 |  UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
 |  USER = 'user'
 |  UVW = 'uvw'
 |  V = 'varying float v'
 |  VARSUBST = 'string varsubst'
 |  VBASISNAME = 'constant string __vbasisname'
 |  VDMAG = 'uniform float[4] vdmag'
 |  VERBATIM = 'verbatim'
 |  VERTEXEDIT = 'vertexedit'
 |  VIEWFRUSTUMDISTANCE = 'uniform string viewfrustumdistance'
 |  VISIBILITY = 'visibility'
 |  VISIBLEPOINTS = 'visiblepoints'
 |  VOLUME = 'volume'
 |  VOLUMEBOX = 'box'
 |  VOLUMECONE = 'cone'
 |  VOLUMECYLINDER = 'cylinder'
 |  VOLUMEELLIPSOID = 'ellipsoid'
 |  VOLUMEINTERPRETATION = 'uniform string volumeinterpretation'
 |  VOLUMEPIXELSAMPLES = 'uniform float[2] VolumePixelSamples'
 |  VPDEPTH = 'vpdepth'
 |  VPDEPTHSHADINGRATE = 'uniform float vpdepthshadingrate'
 |  VPICOLOR = 'vpicolor'
 |  VPIDEPTH = 'vpidepth'
 |  VPIMAGE = 'vpimage'
 |  VPINTERIORHEURISTIC = 'uniform int vpinteriorheuristic'
 |  VPIOBJECTID = 'vpiobjectid'
 |  VPRELATIVESHADINGRATE = 'uniform float vprelativeshadingrate'
 |  VPVOLUMEINTERSECTIONS = 'uniform int vpvolumeintersections'
 |  VPVOLUMES = 'vpvolumes'
 |  W = 'w'
 |  WIDTH = 'varying float width'
 |  WIDTHMINSEGMENTS = 'uniform int widthminsegments'
 |  WORLD = 'world'
 |  WORLDCAMERA = 'worldcamera'
 |  WORLDDISTANCE = 'uniform string worlddistance'
 |  WRITETODISK = 'writetodisk'
 |  XMLFILENAME = 'uniform string xmlfilename'
 |  YSPLITS = 'uniform int ysplits'
 |  Z = 'varying float z'
 |  ZBLUR = 'uniform float[6] zblur'
 |  ZCOMPRESSION = 'uniform string zcompression'
 |  ZFILE = 'uniform string zfile'
 |  ZI = 'zi'
 |  ZLERP = 'uniform int zlerp'
 |  ZTHRESHOLD = 'uniform color zthreshold'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from Ri:
 |  ArchiveBegin(...)
 |      RtConstString name,_plist_
 |  ArchiveEnd(...)
 |  ArchiveRecord(...)
 |      RtToken type,char const* format,...
 |  AreaLightSource(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  Atmosphere(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  Attribute(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  AttributeBegin(...)
 |  AttributeEnd(...)
 |  Basis(...)
 |      RtBasis u,int ustep,RtBasis v,int vstep
 |  Begin(...)
 |      RtToken name
 |  Blobby(...)
 |      int nleaf,int ninst,int* inst,int nflt,float* flt,int nstr,RtToken* str,_plist_
 |  Bound(...)
 |      RtBound bound
 |  Bxdf(...)
 |      RtToken name,RtToken handle,_plist_
 |  Camera(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  Clipping(...)
 |      float nearplane,float farplane
 |  ClippingPlane(...)
 |      float Nx,float Ny,float Nz,float Px,float Py,float Pz
 |  Color(...)
 |      float* color
 |  ColorSamples(...)
 |      int n,float* nRGB,float* RGBn
 |  ConcatTransform(...)
 |      RtMatrix m
 |  Cone(...)
 |      float height,float radius,float tmax,_plist_
 |  Context(...)
 |      RtContextHandle ctx
 |  CoordSysTransform(...)
 |      RtToken fromspace
 |  CoordinateSystem(...)
 |      RtToken name
 |  CropWindow(...)
 |      float left,float right,float bottom,float top
 |  Curves(...)
 |      RtToken type,int ncurves,int* nvertices,RtToken wrap,_plist_
 |  Cylinder(...)
 |      float radius,float zmin,float zmax,float tmax,_plist_
 |  Deformation(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  DepthOfField(...)
 |      float fstop,float length,float distance
 |  Detail(...)
 |      RtBound bound
 |  DetailRange(...)
 |      float minvis,float lotrans,float hitrans,float maxvis
 |  Disk(...)
 |      float height,float radius,float tmax,_plist_
 |  Displace(...)
 |      RtToken name,RtToken handle,_plist_
 |  Displacement(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  Display(...)
 |      char const * name,RtToken type,RtToken mode,_plist_
 |  DisplayChannel(...)
 |      RtToken channel,_plist_
 |  DisplayFilter(...)
 |      RtToken name,RtToken handle,_plist_
 |  EditAttributeBegin(...)
 |      RtToken name
 |  EditAttributeEnd(...)
 |  EditBegin(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  EditEnd(...)
 |  EditWorldBegin(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  EditWorldEnd(...)
 |  Else(...)
 |  ElseIf(...)
 |      char const * expr,_plist_
 |  EnableLightFilter(...)
 |      RtLightHandle light,RtToken filter,RtBoolean onoff
 |  End(...)
 |  ErrorHandler(...)
 |      RtErrorHandler handler
 |  Exposure(...)
 |      float gain,float gamma
 |  Exterior(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  Format(...)
 |      int xres,int yres,float pixel_ar
 |  FrameAspectRatio(...)
 |      float ar
 |  FrameBegin(...)
 |      int frame
 |  FrameEnd(...)
 |  GeneralPolygon(...)
 |      int nloops,int* nverts,_plist_
 |  GeometricApproximation(...)
 |      RtToken type,float value
 |  Geometry(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  GetContext(...)
 |  Hider(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  HierarchicalSubdivisionMesh(...)
 |      RtToken mask,int nf,int* nverts,int* verts,int ntags,RtToken* tags,int* nargs,int* intargs,float* floatargs,RtToken* stringargs,_plist_
 |  Hyperboloid(...)
 |      RtPoint point1,RtPoint point2,float tmax,_plist_
 |  Identity(...)
 |  IfBegin(...)
 |      char const * expr,_plist_
 |  IfEnd(...)
 |  Illuminate(...)
 |      RtLightHandle light,RtBoolean onoff
 |  Imager(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  Integrator(...)
 |      RtToken name,RtToken handle,_plist_
 |  Interior(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  Light(...)
 |      RtToken name,RtToken handle,_plist_
 |  LightFilter(...)
 |      RtToken name,RtToken handle,_plist_
 |  LightSource(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  MakeBrickMap(...)
 |      int nptcs,char const ** ptcs,char const* bkm,_plist_
 |  MakeBump(...)
 |      char const * pic,char const * text,RtToken swrap,RtToken twrap,RtFilterFunc filt,float swidth,float twidth,_plist_
 |  MakeCubeFaceEnvironment(...)
 |      char const * px,char const * nx,char const * py,char const * ny,char const * pz,char const * nz,char const * text,float fov,RtFilterFunc filt,float swidth,float twidth,_plist_
 |  MakeLatLongEnvironment(...)
 |      char const * pic,char const * text,RtFilterFunc filt,float swidth,float twidth,_plist_
 |  MakeShadow(...)
 |      char const * pic,char const * text,_plist_
 |  MakeTexture(...)
 |      char const * pic,char const * text,RtToken swrap,RtToken twrap,RtFilterFunc filt,float swidth,float twidth,_plist_
 |  Matte(...)
 |      RtBoolean onoff
 |  MotionBegin(...)
 |      int n,...
 |  MotionEnd(...)
 |  NuPatch(...)
 |      int nu,int uorder,float* uknot,float umin,float umax,int nv,int vorder,float* vknot,float vmin,float vmax,_plist_
 |  ObjectBegin(...)
 |  ObjectBeginV(...)
 |      _explicitplist_
 |  ObjectEnd(...)
 |  ObjectInstance(...)
 |      RtObjectHandle h
 |  ObjectInstanceV(...)
 |      RtObjectHandle h,_explicitplist_
 |  Opacity(...)
 |      float* color
 |  Option(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  Orientation(...)
 |      RtToken orient
 |  Paraboloid(...)
 |      float radius,float zmin,float zmax,float tmax,_plist_
 |  Patch(...)
 |      RtToken type,_plist_
 |  PatchMesh(...)
 |      RtToken type,int nu,RtToken uwrap,int nv,RtToken vwrap,_plist_
 |  Pattern(...)
 |      RtToken name,RtToken handle,_plist_
 |  Perspective(...)
 |      float fov
 |  PixelFilter(...)
 |      RtFilterFunc func,float xwidth,float ywidth
 |  PixelSampleImager(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  PixelSamples(...)
 |      float x,float y
 |  PixelVariance(...)
 |      float var
 |  Points(...)
 |      int nverts,_plist_
 |  PointsGeneralPolygons(...)
 |      int npolys,int* nloops,int* nverts,int* verts,_plist_
 |  PointsPolygons(...)
 |      int npolys,int* nverts,int* verts,_plist_
 |  Polygon(...)
 |      int nverts,_plist_
 |  Procedural(...)
 |      RtPointer data,RtBound bound,RtProcSubdivFunc sfunc,RtProcFreeFunc ffunc
 |  Procedural2(...)
 |      RtProc2SubdivFunc sfunc,RtProc2BoundFunc bfunc,_plist_
 |  Projection(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  Quantize(...)
 |      RtToken type,int one,int min,int max,float dither
 |  ReadArchive(...)
 |      RtMustBeToken name,RtArchiveCallback callback,_plist_
 |  RelativeDetail(...)
 |      float rel
 |  Resource(...)
 |      RtToken handle,RtToken type,_plist_
 |  ResourceBegin(...)
 |  ResourceEnd(...)
 |  ReverseOrientation(...)
 |  Rotate(...)
 |      float angle,float dx,float dy,float dz
 |  SampleFilter(...)
 |      RtToken name,RtToken handle,_plist_
 |  Scale(...)
 |      float sx,float sy,float sz
 |  ScopedCoordinateSystem(...)
 |      RtToken name
 |  ScreenWindow(...)
 |      float left,float right,float bottom,float top
 |  Shader(...)
 |      RtToken name,RtToken handle,_plist_
 |  ShadingInterpolation(...)
 |      RtToken type
 |  ShadingRate(...)
 |      float size
 |  Shutter(...)
 |      float opentime,float closetime
 |  Sides(...)
 |      int n
 |  Skew(...)
 |      float angle,float d1x,float d1y,float d1z,float d2x,float d2y,float d2z
 |  SolidBegin(...)
 |      RtToken op
 |  SolidEnd(...)
 |  Sphere(...)
 |      float radius,float zmin,float zmax,float tmax,_plist_
 |  SubdivisionMesh(...)
 |      RtToken mask,int nf,int* nverts,int* verts,int ntags,RtToken* tags,int* nargs,int* intargs,float* floatargs,_plist_
 |  Surface(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  System(...)
 |      char const * name
 |  TextureCoordinates(...)
 |      float s1,float t1,float s2,float t2,float s3,float t3,float s4,float t4
 |  Torus(...)
 |      float majrad,float minrad,float phimin,float phimax,float tmax,_plist_
 |  Transform(...)
 |      RtMatrix m
 |  TransformBegin(...)
 |  TransformEnd(...)
 |  TransformPoints(...)
 |      RtToken fromspace,RtToken tospace,int n,RtPoint * points
 |  Translate(...)
 |      float dx,float dy,float dz
 |  TrimCurve(...)
 |      int nloops,int* ncurves,int* order,float* knot,float* min,float* max,int* n,float* u,float* v,float* w
 |  VArchiveRecord(...)
 |      RtToken type,char const* format,va_list vap
 |  VPAtmosphere(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  VPInterior(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  VPSurface(...)
 |      RtToken name,_plist_
 |  Volume(...)
 |      RtToken type,RtBound bound,int* dimensions,_plist_
 |  VolumePixelSamples(...)
 |      float x,float y
 |  WorldBegin(...)
 |  WorldEnd(...)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from Ri:
 |  __new__ = 
 |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T