For details about using this rif refer to,
Jan 20 2017
Author: Malcolm Kesson
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <vector>  
#include <RifPlugin.h>
#include <RifFilter.h>
#include <RixInterfaces.h>
#include <rx.h>
#define LINUX 0
#define WINDOWS 1
#if defined(unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix)  || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
    #define OS_HOST LINUX
    #define OS_HOST WINDOWS
typedef struct {
    std::vector <std::string> lpe_type;
    std::vector <std::string> lpe_text;
    std::vector <std::string> lpe_name;
    } LpeDB;
class LPE_Rif : public RifPlugin {
             LPE_Rif(std::vector <std::string> lpes);
    virtual ~LPE_Rif() { }    
    virtual RifFilter     &GetFilter() { return m_filter; }
    virtual LpeDB         readLPEs(std::vector <std::string> inputs);
    virtual std::vector <std::string> tokenize(char *input, RtToken sep);
    virtual std::string   getMayaProjPath();
    virtual std::string   join(std::string head, std::string tail);
    virtual std::string   strip(std::string str);
    virtual bool          pathIsGood(std::string path);
        RifFilter        m_filter;
        RixMessages     *m_msg;
        RixRenderState  *m_rstate;
        RixTokenStorage *m_tok_store;
        std::vector <std::string> m_lpe_type;
        std::vector <std::string> m_lpe_text;
        std::vector <std::string> m_lpe_name;
        static RtVoid    displayV(char *name, RtToken type, RtToken mode,
                                RtInt num, RtToken tokens[], RtPointer params[]);
// RifPluginManufacture
RifPlugin *RifPluginManufacture(int argc, char **argv) {
    std::vector <std::string> inputs;
    if(argc == 1) {
        // Tokenize the input into separate strings and add them
        // to a list (vector) of inputs.
        char *ptr = strtok(*argv, " ");
        while(ptr) {
            ptr = strtok(NULL, " ");
    else // multiple inputs
        for(int n = 0; n < argc; n++) 
    return new LPE_Rif(inputs);
// LPE_Rif
LPE_Rif::LPE_Rif(std::vector <std::string> inputs) {
    m_filter.DisplayV = displayV;  // install our custom callback
    // Read the input text file that lists the lpes.
    LpeDB db = readLPEs(inputs);
    m_lpe_type = db.lpe_type;
    m_lpe_text = db.lpe_text;
    m_lpe_name = db.lpe_name;
    m_filter.Filtering = RifFilter::k_Continue;
    // Connect to a couple of helpful rix contexts
    RixContext    *rixContext = RxGetRixContext();
    m_msg = (RixMessages*) rixContext->GetRixInterface(k_RixMessages);
    m_rstate = (RixRenderState*) rixContext->GetRixInterface(k_RixRenderState);
    m_tok_store = (RixTokenStorage*) rixContext->GetRixInterface(k_RixGlobalTokenData);
// displayV
// Our custom callback version of "RiDisplayV". 
// primary_img_path  ie.  "renderman/lpe_test/images/lpe_test.0002.exr",
// primary_img_path  ie.  "+renderman/lpe_test/images/lpe_test.0002.exr",
// primary_driver    ie.  "it" or "openexr", 
// mode              ie.  "rgba"
// This is where we write our own DisplayChannel and extra Display statements.
RtVoid LPE_Rif::displayV(char *primary_img_path, RtToken primary_driver, RtToken mode,
                                RtInt num, RtToken tokens[], RtPointer params[]) {    
    // Output the primary Display without any alterations.
    RiDisplayV(primary_img_path, primary_driver, mode, num, tokens, params);
    // Allow AOVs that were assigned via the RenderMan Controls window or the
    // Render Settings "Passes" tab to be written without alteration.
    if(strncmp(primary_img_path, "+", 1) == 0) {
    LPE_Rif *self = static_cast<LPE_Rif*> (RifGetCurrentPlugin());
    // Assume the driver is "it".
    bool     driverIsIT = true;
    RtToken    lpe_driver = primary_driver; 
    if(strncmp(primary_driver, "it", 2) != 0) {
        driverIsIT = false;
        // Force the driver to be "openexr".
        lpe_driver = (char*)self->m_tok_store->GetToken("openexr");
    // Extract the following,        
    std::string  img_parent_dir("");    // "renderman/lpe_test/images"
    std::string  img_name("");            // "lpe_test.0002.exr" or "lpe_test.0002"
    std::string  img_frame_num("0001");
    size_t  firstIndex, lastIndex;
    // Make a copy of the primary image path so some string methods can be used.
    std::string lpe_path(primary_img_path);
    lastIndex = lpe_path.find_last_of('/');
    if(lastIndex != std::string::npos) {
        img_parent_dir = lpe_path.substr(0, lastIndex);
        img_name = lpe_path.substr(lastIndex + 1, lpe_path.length());
        firstIndex = img_name.find_first_of('.');
        lastIndex =  img_name.find_last_of('.');
        if(firstIndex != std::string::npos && lastIndex != std::string::npos)
            img_frame_num = img_name.substr(firstIndex + 1, lastIndex - firstIndex - 1);
    // When the lpes are written to an openexr file they are specified
    // as a concatenated string - "untitled_0,untitled_1,untitled_2".
    std::string concat_alias_names("");
    std::string    lpe_it_basepath("+" + img_parent_dir + "/");
    std::string comment(" Begin LPE_Rif output______________________");
    RiArchiveRecord(RI_COMMENT, (char*)comment.c_str());
    for(unsigned int n = 0; n < self->m_lpe_type.size(); n++) {
        std::string lpe_type = self->m_lpe_type[n];
        std::string lpe_text = self->m_lpe_text[n];
        std::string lpe_name = self->m_lpe_name[n] + std::to_string(static_cast<long long>(n));
        std::string lpe_typed_name(self->m_lpe_type[n] + " " + lpe_name);    // "color untitled_0"
        std::string lpe_typed_text(self->m_lpe_type[n] + " " + lpe_text);    // "color lpe:CD<L.'foo'>"
        // Ex. "color untitled_1"
        RtToken   name_token = (char*)self->m_tok_store->GetToken(lpe_typed_name.c_str());
        // Ex. "string source"
        RtToken   src_token  = (char*)self->m_tok_store->GetToken("string source");
        // Ex. "color lpe:CD<L.>"
        RtToken   src_value = (char*)self->m_tok_store->GetToken(lpe_typed_text.c_str()); 
        RtToken   str_src_tokens[] = { src_token };
        RtPointer src_value_ptr[] = { &src_value };
        // DisplayChannel "color untitled_1" "string source" ["color lpe:CD<L.>"]
        RiDisplayChannelV(name_token, 1, str_src_tokens, src_value_ptr);
        // For "it" a Display statement can be injected immediately after each DisplayChannel.
        if(driverIsIT) {
            std::string    lpe_it_name = lpe_it_basepath + lpe_name;//std::to_string(static_cast<long long>(n));
            RtToken  it_path_token = (char*)self->m_tok_store->GetToken(lpe_it_name.c_str());
            // Display "+renderman/lpe_test/images/lpe_0" "it" "color untitled_1" 
            RiDisplayV(it_path_token, lpe_driver, name_token, 0, NULL, NULL);
        else  //...prepare a comma separated string of lpe names
            concat_alias_names += lpe_name;
            if(n < self->m_lpe_type.size() - 1)
                concat_alias_names += ",";
    // For openexr the outputs are specified by the string of lpe names
    if(driverIsIT == false && concat_alias_names.length() > 0) {
        std::string  lpe_openexr_path("+");
        lpe_openexr_path += img_parent_dir;
        lpe_openexr_path += "/lpe_aovs.";
        if(img_frame_num.length() > 0) 
            lpe_openexr_path += img_frame_num + ".exr";
        RtToken  lpe_name = (char*)self->m_tok_store->GetToken(lpe_openexr_path.c_str());
        RtToken  lpe_text = (char*)self->m_tok_store->GetToken(concat_alias_names.c_str());
        RiDisplayV(lpe_name, lpe_driver, lpe_text, 0, NULL, NULL);
    comment = (" End LPE_Rif output______________________\n");
    RiArchiveRecord(RI_COMMENT, (char*)comment.c_str());
// readLPEs
// The user may have specified one or more lpe's OR the name of
// a text file located either in the current Maya proj directory
// or by a full path. Either way this method returns a list of
// lpe strings.
// Called by the constructor.
LpeDB LPE_Rif::readLPEs(std::vector <std::string> inputs) {
    std::string path;
    LpeDB database;
    for(unsigned int n = 0; n < inputs.size(); n++)  {
        path = inputs[n];
        if(pathIsGood(path) == false) {
            // Check if the lpe file is located in the Maya project dir.
            path = join(getMayaProjPath(), path);
            if(pathIsGood(path) == false)
        std::string   line;
        std::ifstream infile(path.c_str());
        std::string   name = "untitled_";
        if(infile.is_open()) {
            while(std::getline(infile, line)) {
                // Ignore empty lines
                if(line.find_first_not_of(" \t") == line.npos || line.empty())
                line = strip(line);
                // Ignore lines that begin with a comment character...
                if(strncmp(line.c_str(), "#", 1) == 0)
                if(line.length() > 4) {
                    // If datatype is not specified ie. lpe:CS<L.> it is considered to be "color".
                    if(strncmp(line.c_str(), "lpe:", 4) == 0) {
                        line = strip(line);
                        line = "color " + line;
                    std::vector <std::string> tokens = tokenize((char*)line.c_str(), RtToken(" \t#"));
                    if(tokens.size() < 2)
                    if(tokens.size() >= 3)
                        name = tokens[2] + "_";
    return database;
// getMayaProjPath
// Can handle both Linux/OSX and Windows paths. Called by
// readLPEs().
std::string LPE_Rif::getMayaProjPath() {
    char    *resultStr = 0;
    RtInt     resultCount, resultError, resultLen = sizeof(char*);
    RixRenderState::Type resultType;
    resultError = m_rstate->GetOption("user:RMSPROJ", &resultStr, resultLen, 
                                   &resultType, &resultCount);
    if(resultStr == NULL)
        return std::string("");
    std::string str(resultStr);
    return str;
// pathIsGood
// This works on Windows and Linux/OSX. Called by readLPEs().
bool LPE_Rif::pathIsGood(std::string path) {
    struct stat info;
    return !stat(path.c_str(),&info );
// join file paths
// Called by readLPEs().
std::string LPE_Rif::join(std::string head, std::string tail) {
    if(OS_HOST == LINUX) {
        char lastChar = *head.rbegin();
        return (lastChar != '/') ? head + '/' + tail : head + tail;
    // Swap 
    std::replace(head.begin(), head.end(), '/', '\\');
    std::replace(tail.begin(), tail.end(), '/', '\\');
    char lastChar = *head.rbegin();
    return (lastChar != '\\') ? head + '\\' + tail : head + tail;
// strip leading and trailing spaces
// Called by readLPEs().
std::string LPE_Rif::strip(std::string str) {
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) 
        if (str[i] == '\t' || str[i] == '\r')
              str[i] = ' ';
    size_t first = str.find_first_not_of(' ');
    if(first == std::string::npos)
        return str;
    size_t lastIndex = str.find_last_not_of(' ');
    if(lastIndex == std::string::npos)
        return str;
    return str.substr(first, (lastIndex - first + 1));
// tokenize
// Called by readLPEs().
std::vector <std::string> LPE_Rif::tokenize(char *input, RtToken sep) {
    std::vector <std::string> out;
    char *ptr = strtok(input, sep);
    while(ptr) {
        ptr = strtok(NULL, sep);
    return out;