RslPlugin (Reyes)


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Writing interior volume shaders allows the visualization of many interesting effects. A starting point for the development of a volume shader that ray-marches through a volume such as a sphere is shown in listing 1. A simple scene that can be used to test the shader is given in listing 2.

Listing 1 "" - version 1

raymarcher(float stepSize = 0.05,
                  nFreq = 5,
                  nAmp = 0.05,
                  nMin = 0.58,
                  nMax = 0.65,
                  Kfb = 0.1)
float   totalDist = length(I);
point   frontP = P - I;
point   currP = frontP, p;
float   accum = 0, ns;
float   currDist = random() * stepSize;
while(currDist <= totalDist) {
    currP = frontP + currDist/totalDist * I;
    // Simple sampling of 3D noise
    p = transform("current", "shader", currP);
    ns = noise(p * nFreq);
    accum += smoothstep(nMin, nMax, ns) * nAmp;
    currDist += stepSize;
accum *= Kfb;
Oi = accum;
Ci = accum;

Listing 2 (raymarcher.rib)

Option "searchpath" "shader" "@:../shaders"
Display "raymarcher" "it" "rgb"
Format 427 427 1
Projection "perspective" "fov" 20
ShadingRate 2
Translate  0 0 3.5
Rotate 0 1 0 0
Rotate 90   0 1 0
Scale 1 1 -1
    Attribute "shade" "strategy" ["vpvolumes"]    
    Interior "raymarcher"
             "float stepSize" 0.05
             "float nFreq" 7
             "float nAmp" 0.2
    Surface "defaultsurface"
    Opacity .1 .1 .1
    Sphere 0.5 -0.5 0.5 360

The sampling of 3D noise can also be done in a way that finds an iso-surface defined by points that have values equal, or very nearly equal, to zero. Such points can be baked into a pointcloud, subsequently converted to a brickmap and then rendered as geometry. Baking the points defined by an implicit function is not difficult. However, for a brickmap to create the illusion of a continuous surface, figure 1, requires the baking of both points and accurate normals.

Figure 1
With and without baked normals.

As a volume shader (ray) marches from the front to the rear surface of an enclosed shape it can detect, relatively easily, when the current point (refer to the variable currP in listing 1) is close to the iso-surface. Unfortunately, a built-in RSL function (shadeop) does not exist that will enable the shader to get information about the normal at that point. Unless the shader writer can determine the normal from a mathematical analysis of the implicit function the only recourse is to consider the current point as the center of a small cube (voxel) and to test if the cube spans the iso-surface. If the voxel does span the iso-surface there are techniques that can be used to polygonize the cube. In effect, the polygon can be considered to be a tiny patch of the iso-surface. After polygonization the normal to the polygon can be calculated - figure 2.

Figure 2

A voxel that spans the iso-surface has a mixture of positive and negative "field" values at its vertices (shown as red and blue dots). Polygonization finds the iso-surface (shown as a purple polygon). The normal to the iso-surface is calculated by taking the cross- product of the vectors formed by two edges of the polygon.

The next part of the tutorial explains how a custom RSL function is implemented as a RslPlugin. I have prepared a C++ class, called Voxel, that uses a polygonization algorithm by Jules Bloomenthal. His reseach paper "Boundary Representation of Implicit Surfaces" was published by the Palo Alto Research Center (CSL-87-2) in 1987. The Voxel class will be the foundation upon which a custom RSL function, called implicit() is built. The function will be used by the modified version of the volume shader shown below.

Listing 3 (

plugin "implicit";
volume raymarcher (float  step = 0.025,
                          freq = 4,
                          Kd = 0.6;
                  string  bakename = "",
                          bakespace = "world")
float    totalDist = length(I);
point    frontP = P - I;    
point    currP = frontP;
float    stepCount = 1;
// Jitter the starting point
float   currDist = random() * step;
vector  deltaI = 1.0/totalDist * I;
float   ns;
normal  n = 0;
while(currDist <= totalDist) {
    currP = frontP + currDist/totalDist * I;
    currP = transform(bakespace, currP);
    // Use the custom function to find the normal
    if(implicit(currP, step, freq, n) == 1) {
        currP = transform(bakespace, "camera", currP);
        n = ntransform(bakespace, "camera", n);
        n = normalize(n);
        if(bakename != "")
                bake3d(bakename,"P,N", currP, n, "P", currP, "N", n,
                        "radius", 0.005);
    currDist += step;
    stepCount += 1;
Ci = Ci;

The shader, using the custom implicit() function, is able to bake the points and the normals that will be used by a brickmap to "reconstruct" the appearance of an iso-surface.

Implementing the RslPlugin

The RslPlugin, called "implicit", consists of the following source code files.

   1  implicit.cpp
   2  Voxel.h, Voxel.cpp
   3  DemoVoxel.h, DemoVoxel.cpp

The first file implements the actual RslPlugin. The second group of files define the Voxel class that implements the Bloomenthal's polygonization algorithm. The third pair of files define a class called DemoVoxel that is derived from the Voxel class. The DemoVoxel overrides a method called getImplicitValueAt(). Given a 3D point, the method returns a value calculated by the arbitary use the sin() and cos() functions - figure 3.

    double NoiseVoxel::getImplicitValueAt(Vertex *vert) {
        return sin(vert->x * freq) + 
               cos(vert->y * freq) + 
               sin(vert->z * freq);

The reader should note the implementation of getImplicitValueAt() is part of the DemoVoxel class NOT the Voxel class. It is best not to edit the code of the Voxel class.

Figure 3

The getImplicitValueAt() is called 8 times, once for each vertex of the voxel. The (central location) of the voxel is determined by the shader that ray-marches through a volume. The "work" done by the DemoVoxel class is very light - it merely calculates floating point values. The Voxel class determines if the current location of the voxel spans the iso-surface and if it does it polygonizes the voxel and calculates the normal.

Building the RslPlugin

The following notes assume the reader is using Pixar's RenderManProServer on either Linux or MacOSX. For more information about steps 1 to 3 refer to the tutorial "RslPlugin: aveOpacity"

Step 1

Create a folder (project directory) in which you can save the files associated with building and testing the plugin - the location is not important.

Step 2

In preferences set the locations of your "rsl source" and "shader" files.

Step 3

In Cutter's->Edit->Preferences set the root directory of Pixar's devkit. This will generally be the same folder as the RenderManProServer installation directory.

Step 4

Copy and paste the text for listings 3 to 9 into files saved in your project directory. The directory should contain these files.

Step 5

With the implicit.cpp file as the front window in Cutter use the keyboard shortcut Control + e or Alt + e to compile and build the RslPlugin - you should find it in the project directory named as If you encounter a problem refer to step 4 of tutorial "RslPlugin: aveOpacity".

Step 6

Open the document in Cutter and compile the shader - Alt + e, Control + e.

Step 7

Open the raymarcher.rib file in Cutter and render both frames - Alt + e, Control + e. You should see a beauty pass render similar to figure 3.


Unless (core) functionality is being added to the Voxel class it is best not to edit the Voxel.cpp file - simply leave it alone! However, there are a couple of improvements that could be made to Voxel. For example, the point that is baked by represents the center of the voxel. It would be better if the RslPlugin (implicit) returned the center of the iso-surface. Baking that point would probably give more accurate results. Also, the shader bakes a value for the "radius" parameter of the bake3d() function that is somewhat arbitary in size. It might be better if the Voxel class also calculated the "size" of the iso-surface (polygon) and returned that value. The shader would then have a better opportunity of setting an appropriate "radius" value.

Listing 4 (implicit.cpp)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "pnoise.h"
#include "Voxel.h"
#include "DemoVoxel.h"
#include "RslPlugin.h"
extern "C" {
// init - Called at startup
void init(RixContext *ctx) {
// cleanup - Called at shutdown
void cleanup(RixContext *ctx) {
// implicit - Main function
RSLEXPORT int implicit (RslContext* rslContext, int argc, const RslArg* argv[])
RslFloatIter    result(argv[0]);
RslPointIter    pointArg(argv[1]);
RslFloatIter    stepArg(argv[2]);
RslFloatIter    freqArg(argv[3]);
RslPointIter    normalArg(argv[4]);
int     numVals = argv[0]->NumValues();
float   x,y,z, step, freq;
DemoVoxel voxel;
for (int i = 0; i < numVals; ++i) {
    x = (*pointArg)[0];
    y = (*pointArg)[1];
    z = (*pointArg)[2];    
    step = *stepArg;
    freq = *freqArg;
    voxel.setbounds(x,y,z, step);
    if(voxel.isActive()) {
        *result = 1;
        Point3D *norm = voxel.getNormal();
        (*normalArg)[0] = norm->x;
        (*normalArg)[1] = norm->y;
        (*normalArg)[2] = norm->z;
    // Increment the iterators - not really necessary
    // because we are accessing uniform values!!
return 0;
static RslFunction myFunctions[] = {
    { "float implicit(point,float,float,output normal)", implicit,init,cleanup },
    { NULL }
RSLEXPORT RslFunctionTable RslPublicFunctions = myFunctions;
};  // extern "C"

Listing 5 (Voxel.h)

#ifndef VOXEL_H
#define VOXEL_H
#define HOT   1
#define COLD  0
typedef struct {
    float x,y,z;
    } Point3D;
typedef struct {
    Point3D  pnt[8];
    int      index; // Effectively the number of sides of the poly
    Point3D  normal;
    } Polygon;     
typedef struct {
    float    x,y,z;
    float    fv;        // The raw field value
    int      temp;    // HOT or COLD ie. 1 or 0
    float    P[3];
    } Vertex;
class Voxel {
    void     setbounds(double x, double y, double z, double step);
    void     polygonize();
    int      isActive();
    Point3D *getNormal();
    // Sub-classes must override this method
    virtual double     getImplicitValueAt(Vertex *pnt);
    void    setVertexValues();
    int     findFirstEdge();
    void    findNextEdge(int code, int thisEdge);
    void    crossProduct(Point3D *v1, Point3D *v2);
    Vertex  vtx[8];
    Polygon isoSurface;

Listing 6 (Voxel.cpp)

/*  Voxel.cpp
    Malcolm Kesson
    Feb 28 2011
#include <math.h>
#include "Voxel.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// getImplicitValueAt - public
// Sub-classes must override this method
double Voxel::getImplicitValueAt(Vertex *vert) {
return 0.0;
// setVertexValues - private

void Voxel::setVertexValues() {
double     val;
for(int n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
    val = getImplicitValueAt(&vtx[n]);
    vtx[n].temp = (val <= 0.0) ? COLD : HOT;
    vtx[n].fv = val;
// polygonize - public
void Voxel::polygonize() {
int firstEdge = findFirstEdge();
// Voxel does not cross the field
if(firstEdge >= 100) {
// Reverse edgecode to give completion code    
int    lastVert = firstEdge % 10;
int    firstVert = int ((firstEdge - lastVert) * 0.1);
int    completionCode = lastVert * 10 + firstVert;
// Note: the FindNextEdge() function is recursive
findNextEdge(completionCode, firstEdge);
// findFirstEdge - private
// The implementation of findFirstEdge() and findNextEdge() 
// is based on Blumenthal's polygonization algorithm. See,
//        Bloomenthal J. (1987) 
//        Boundary Representation of Implicit Surfaces. 
//        Palo Alto Research Center (CSL-87-2) (Draft)
// Having found an edge that is crossed by the implicit 
// surface we visit the other edges of the voxel that also 
// cross the implicit surface.
int    Voxel::findFirstEdge() 
// Find a hot/cold combination, edgecode must be ordered cold->hot
for(int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
     // Check the special cases first
    if (i == 3) {
        if (vtx[3].temp == COLD && vtx[0].temp == HOT) return 30;         
        if (vtx[3].temp == HOT && vtx[0].temp == COLD) return 3; 
     else if (i == 7) {
        if (vtx[7].temp == COLD && vtx[4].temp == HOT) return 74;         
        if (vtx[7].temp == HOT && vtx[4].temp == COLD) return 47;     
     else if (i != 3 || i != 7) {
         if (vtx[i].temp == COLD && vtx[i+1].temp == HOT) return i*10 + i+1;
         if (vtx[i].temp == HOT && vtx[i+1].temp == COLD) return (i+1)*10 + i;
// Do the same for the vertical edges
for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { 
     if (vtx[i].temp == COLD && vtx[i+4].temp == HOT) return i*10 + i+4;    
     if (vtx[i].temp == HOT && vtx[i+4].temp == COLD) return (i+4)*10 + i;
return 100; // This voxel does not span the implicit-surface
// findNextEdge - private
// See the comments for findFirstEdge()
void Voxel::findNextEdge(int completionCode, int thisEdge) 
int    next, nextEdge, reverse;
int    prev = thisEdge % 10;
switch (thisEdge) { 
      /* Left face */
       case 1:     next = 5; nextEdge = 15; reverse = 51; break;
       case 15:    next = 4; nextEdge = 54; reverse = 45; break;                 
       case 54:    next = 0; nextEdge = 40; reverse = 4;  break;
       case 40:    next = 1; nextEdge = 1;  reverse = 10; break;
       /* Front face */                                     
       case 4:     next = 7; nextEdge = 47; reverse = 74; break;
       case 47:    next = 3; nextEdge = 73; reverse = 37; break;                 
       case 73:    next = 0; nextEdge = 30; reverse = 3;  break;
       case 30:    next = 4; nextEdge = 4;  reverse = 40; break; 
       /* Right face */                                                  
       case 37:    next = 6; nextEdge = 76; reverse = 67; break;
       case 76:    next = 2; nextEdge = 62; reverse = 26; break;                 
       case 62:    next = 3; nextEdge = 23; reverse = 32; break;
       case 23:    next = 7; nextEdge = 37; reverse = 73; break;
       /* Rear face */                 
       case 12:    next = 6; nextEdge = 26; reverse = 62; break;                 
       case 26:    next = 5; nextEdge = 65; reverse = 56; break;
       case 65:    next = 1; nextEdge = 51; reverse = 15; break;                 
       case 51:    next = 2; nextEdge = 12; reverse = 21; break;
       /* Top face */                 
       case 45:    next = 6; nextEdge = 56; reverse = 65; break;                 
       case 56:    next = 7; nextEdge = 67; reverse = 76; break;
       case 67:    next = 4; nextEdge = 74; reverse = 47; break;                 
       case 74:    next = 5; nextEdge = 45; reverse = 54; break;
       /* Base */                 
       case 3:     next = 2; nextEdge = 32; reverse = 23; break;                 
       case 32:    next = 1; nextEdge = 21; reverse = 12; break;
       case 21:    next = 0; nextEdge = 10; reverse = 1;  break;                 
       case 10:    next = 3; nextEdge = 3; reverse = 30;                          
if((vtx[next].temp == COLD) && (vtx[prev].temp == HOT))
     // Calculate implicit surface/edge of cube intersection
     double  t = fabs( vtx[prev].fv / (vtx[prev].fv - vtx[next].fv));    
     int     index = isoSurface.index;
     isoSurface.pnt[index].x = t * (vtx[next].x - vtx[prev].x) + vtx[prev].x;
     isoSurface.pnt[index].y = t * (vtx[next].y - vtx[prev].y) + vtx[prev].y;            
     isoSurface.pnt[index].z = t * (vtx[next].z - vtx[prev].z) + vtx[prev].z;
     if(nextEdge == completionCode) 
     // The maximum number of edges of a polygon crossing a
     // voxel is 8. Something has gone wrong if index exceeds 7!
     if(index > 7) 
     // Note: recursion
     findNextEdge(completionCode, reverse);
     findNextEdge(completionCode, nextEdge);
// Get the normal to the voxel's polygon 
if(isoSurface.index >= 3) {
    Point3D v1;
    v1.x = isoSurface.pnt[0].x - isoSurface.pnt[1].x;
    v1.y = isoSurface.pnt[0].y - isoSurface.pnt[1].y;
    v1.z = isoSurface.pnt[0].z - isoSurface.pnt[1].z;
    Point3D v2;
    v2.x = isoSurface.pnt[2].x - isoSurface.pnt[1].x;
    v2.y = isoSurface.pnt[2].y - isoSurface.pnt[1].y;
    v2.z = isoSurface.pnt[2].z - isoSurface.pnt[1].z;
    crossProduct(&v1, &v2);
// crossProduct - private
void Voxel::crossProduct(Point3D *v1, Point3D *v2)
isoSurface.normal.x = v1->y * v2->z - v1->z * v2->y;
isoSurface.normal.y = v1->z * v2->x - v1->x * v2->z;
isoSurface.normal.z = v1->x * v2->y - v1->y * v2->x;
// isActive - public
int    Voxel::isActive() { return (isoSurface.index >= 3) ? 1 : 0; }
// getNormal - public
Point3D *Voxel::getNormal() { return &isoSurface.normal; }
// setbounds - public
// Reset the information for the voxel data structure
void Voxel::setbounds(double x, double y, double z, double step)
double delta = step/2;
vtx[0].x = vtx[1].x = vtx[4].x = vtx[5].x = x - delta;
vtx[2].x = vtx[3].x = vtx[6].x = vtx[7].x = x + delta;
vtx[0].y = vtx[1].y = vtx[2].y = vtx[3].y = y - delta;
vtx[4].y = vtx[5].y = vtx[6].y = vtx[7].y = y + delta;
vtx[1].z = vtx[2].z = vtx[5].z = vtx[6].z = z - delta;    
vtx[0].z = vtx[3].z = vtx[4].z = vtx[7].z = z + delta;
isoSurface.index = 0;
for(int n = 0; n <= 7; n++)
    vtx[n].temp = COLD;
Voxel::Voxel()  { }

Listing 7 (DemoVoxel.h)

#include "Voxel.h"
class DemoVoxel : public Voxel {
    void    setFrequency(double f);
    virtual double     getImplicitValueAt(Vertex *pnt);
    double freq;

Listing 8 (DemoVoxel.cpp)

// DemoVoxel.cpp
// An example of sub-classing Voxel
#include "DemoVoxel.h"
#include "Voxel.h"
#include "pnoise.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// constructor
// This is called by raymarcher's init() function. Here
// we initialize the lookup tables used by Ken Perlin's
// pnoise function.
DemoVoxel::DemoVoxel() : Voxel()
// getImplicitValueAt - override
double DemoVoxel::getImplicitValueAt(Vertex *vert) 
return pnoise(vert->x * freq, vert->y * freq, vert->z * freq);
// getImplicitValueAt - public
void DemoVoxel::setFrequency(double f) 
freq = f; 

Listing 9 (raymarcher.rib)

Option "searchpath" "shader"  "@:../shaders"
FrameBegin 1
    DisplayChannel "point P"
    DisplayChannel "normal N"
    Option "limits" "bucketsize" [24 24]
    Display "marcher" "it" "rgba"
    Format 400 400 1
    Projection "perspective" "fov" 20
    ShadingRate 10
    Translate  0 0 7
    Rotate -30 1 0 0
    Rotate 0   0 1 0
    Scale 1 1 -1
        Interior "raymarcher" 
                "string bakename" ["./marcher.ptc"]
                "float step" 0.02 "float freq" 9
        Attribute "shade" "strategy" ["vpvolumes"]    
        Surface "defaultsurface"
        Opacity .1 .1 .1
        Sphere 1 -1 1 360
    System "brickmake -progress 1 ./marcher.ptc ./marcher.bkm"
FrameBegin 2
    Option "limits" "bucketsize" [24 24]    
    Display "implicit" "it" "rgba"
    Format 400 400 1
    Projection "perspective" "fov" 20
    ShadingRate 20
    LightSource "distantlight" 1 "intensity" 0.1
                "from" [0 0 0] "to" [0 0 1]    
    Translate  0 0 7
    Rotate -30 1 0 0
    Rotate 0   0 1 0
    Scale 1 1 -1
    Imager "background" "background" [1 1 1]
    Exposure 1 2.2
        Attribute "visibility" "int trace" [1]
        LightSource "shadowdistant" 1 "intensity" 0.4
                    "from" [0 1 0] "to" [0 0 0]    
                    "string shadowname" ["raytrace"]
        Surface "plastic" "Ks" 1
        Geometry "brickmap" "filename" "./marcher.bkm"

© 2002- Malcolm Kesson. All rights reserved.