Scripting a Slim Palette

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Pixar's RenderMan Artist Toolkit (RAT) enables most of the functionality "normally" accessed via their GUI's ie. mouse and keyboard input, to be controlled directly via MEL scripts. The documentation on mtor/MEL scripting can be found at,


The documentation on slim/MEL scripting can be found at,


This tutorial developes a MEL script that

  1. creates a slim palette
  2. adds a standard appearance, aka, a shader
  3. sets some parameter values of the appearance
  4. attaches the appearance to a surface
  5. defines some renderman globals and renders an animation

A new script Making & Writing a Ribbox with Mel was added to this tutorial May 2007.

Accessing Slim Commands

Invoking a slim command from MEL takes the general form of,

slimcmd slim COMMAND -flag1  -flag2...
// for example
string $palette = `slimcmd slim CreatePalette -edit -new`;
slimcmd reference COMMAND -flag  data;
// for example
string $path = "$RMANTREE/lib/shaders/plastic.slo";
string $plastic = `slimcmd $palette CreateInstance -file $path`;
slimcmd $plastic GetProperties -name "Cs";
slimcmd reference COMMAND info;
// for example
slimcmd $palette SetLabel "my palette";

By reference I mean a string that indentifies a slim object - Pixar's documentation calls them "handles".

Accessing Mtor Commands

Invoking an mtor command from MEL takes the general form of,

mtor control COMMAND parameter_name   parameter_value;
// for example
mtor control attach surface `slimcmd $plastic GetID`;


mtor control COMMAND -rg parameter_name  -value  parameter_value;
// for example
mtor control setvalue -rg dspyRez -value "320 240";

The -rg flag means "renderman globals".

Creating a Palette

Because the MEL script we are writing will most probably be run several times we need to check for the existance of a previously created palette.

code snippet 1

global proc string makePalette(string  $paletteName)
// Activate the next command to remove ALL palettes
// slimcmd slim Clear;
string $palette = `slimcmd slim FindPalette $paletteName`;
if($palette == "")
    // The named palette does not exist
    $palette = `slimcmd slim CreatePalette -edit -new`;
    slimcmd $palette SetLabel $paletteName;
    // Clear existing appearances from the named palette
    string $all = `slimcmd $palette GetAppearances`;
    slimcmd $palette DeleteEntries $all -remove;
return $palette;

Adding a Shader

The macro $RMANTREE will expand to the full path of the Pixar directory.

code snippet 2

global proc string addShader(string $pal, string $shadername)
string $path = "$RMANTREE/lib/shaders/" + $shadername + ".slo";
string $shdr = `slimcmd $pal CreateInstance -file $path`;
slimcmd $palette UpdateEditor;
return $shdr;

Setting Shader Values

Notice the use of quoted curly braces to enclose multiple values. Internally
slim uses the TCL scripting language - lists are enclosed in parenthesises.

code snippet 3

lobal proc setColor(string $pal, string $shader, 
                     string $paramname, vector $v)
string $item = `slimcmd $shader GetProperties -name $paramname`;
string $vStr = "{" + $v.x + " " + $v.y + " " + $v.z + "}"; 
slimcmd $item SetValue $vStr;
slimcmd $shader PreviewRender;
slimcmd $pal UpdateEditor;
global proc setFloat(string $pal, string $shader, 
                     string $paramname, float $v)
string $item = `slimcmd $shader GetProperties -name $paramname`;
slimcmd $item SetValue ("" + $v);
slimcmd $shader PreviewRender;
slimcmd $pal UpdateEditor;

Attaching a Shader

Notice an instance of the shader is referenced by its ID number.

code snippet 4

gglobal proc attach(string $shader)
mtor control attach surface `slimcmd $shader GetID`;

Setup Mtor & Render

code snippet 5

global proc setRmanOutput(int $w, int $h, int $doSeq, 
                          int $seqBegin, int $seqEnd)
mtor control setvalue -rg dspyRez -value ($w + " " + $h);
mtor control setvalue -rg doAnim -value $doSeq;
if($doSeq == 0)
    mtor control setvalue -rg renderer -value "PRMan";
    mtor control setvalue -rg dspyServer -value "it";
    mtor control setvalue -rg renderer   -value "None";
    mtor control setvalue -rg dspyServer -value "tiff";
mtor control setvalue -rg computeStart  -value $seqBegin;
mtor control setvalue -rg computeStop   -value $seqEnd;
mtor control setvalue -rg sequenceStart -value $seqBegin;
mtor control setvalue -rg sequenceStop  -value $seqEnd;
// You should manually select the cleanup options.
// mtor control setvalue -rg jobCleanup
// seems to have a bug!!
mtor RenderSpool;

Making & Writing a Ribbox with Mel

proc string SlmUtils_createPalette(string $name)
// Does the palette already exist?
string $handle = `slimcmd slim FindPalette $name`;
if($handle != "")
    return $handle;
// Cannot be found, therefore, go ahead and create it
$handle = `slimcmd slim CreatePalette -edit -new`;
slimcmd $handle SetLabel $name;
return $handle;
proc PalUtils_clear(string $palette)
string $all = `slimcmd $palette GetAppearances`;
slimcmd $palette DeleteEntries $all -remove;
global proc string PalUtils_addTemplate(string $pltHandle, string $templatename)
return `slimcmd $pltHandle CreateInstance -template $templatename`;
proc string[] AppUtils_getParams(string $appHandle)
string $all = `slimcmd $appHandle GetProperties`;
string $out[];
tokenize($all, $out);
return $out;
proc string[] AppUtils_getParamNames(string $appHandle)
string $handles[] = AppUtils_getParams($appHandle);
string $names[];
for($n = 0; $n < size($handles); $n++)
    $names[$n] = `slimcmd $handles[$n] GetLabel`;
return $names;
proc string AppUtils_getParamNamed(string $appHandle, string $name)
string $handles[] = AppUtils_getParams($appHandle);
string $names[];
for($n = 0; $n < size($handles); $n++)
    $names[$n] = `slimcmd $handles[$n] GetLabel`;
    if($names[$n] == $name)
        return $handles[$n];
return "";
proc makeRIBBox()
string $palette = SlmUtils_createPalette("lod_palette");
string $ribbox = PalUtils_addTemplate($palette, "pixar,RIBBox");
string $param = AppUtils_getParamNamed($ribbox, "Box of RIB");
string $rib = "{AttributeBegin\n";
$rib += "   Detail \\[-1 1 -1 1 -1 1\\]\n";
$rib += "   Color 1 0 0\n";
$rib += "   Surface \"plastic\" \"Kd\" 0.8\n";
$rib += "   DetailRange \\[ 1 1  1000 2000 \\]\n";
$rib += "       ReadArchive \"../lod/gumball_lowres.rib\"\n\n";
$rib += "   Color 0 1 0\n";
$rib += "   DetailRange \\[ 1000 2000 8000 12550 \\]\n";
$rib += "       ReadArchive \"../lod/gumball_medres.rib\"\n\n";
$rib += "   Color 0 0 1\n";
$rib += "   DetailRange \\[ 8000 12550 400000 400000 \\]\n";
$rib += "       ReadArchive \"../lod/gumball_hires.rib\"\n";
$rib += "AttributeEnd\n";
$rib += "Opacity 0 0 0}";
slimcmd $param SetValue $rib;
mtor control attach ribbox `slimcmd $ribbox GetID`;

© 2002- Malcolm Kesson. All rights reserved.