// The purpose of this script is to add two search paths to python.
// The script assumes the Maya.env script has set the MAYA_USER_DIR
// environment variable. For example, 
//     MAYA_USER_DIR=C:/Users/USERNAME/Documents/maya
// OSX:
//     MAYA_USER_DIR=/Users/USERNAME/Documents/maya
//     MAYA_USER_DIR=/home/USERNAME/maya
// Malcolm Kesson
// June 20 2018. Adapted for RfM 22.0
string $maya_user_dir = getenv("MAYA_USER_DIR");
print("In userSetup.mel: MAYA_USER_DIR was set by Maya.env to \"" + $maya_user_dir + "\".\n");
string $rfm_python_path = $maya_user_dir + "/rfm_scripts/python";
string $maya_scripts_path = $maya_user_dir + "/scripts";
python("import sys");
python("sys.path.append('" + $rfm_python_path + "')");
python("sys.path.append('" + $maya_scripts_path + "')");
print("The userSetup.mel has appended the following paths to PYTHONPATH:\n");
print("    \"" + $rfm_python_path + "\"\n");
print("    \"" + $maya_scripts_path + "\"\n");