# Maya.env for MacOSX,Windows and Linux
# Malcolm Kesson
# July 19 2016
# Modified Oct 17 2017 - see the last "IMPORTANT" note.
# The first environment variable, MAYA_USER_DIR, is used by the following scripts,
#    userSetup.mel             - adds additional paths for use with python
#    RenderMan_for_Maya.ini    - registers custom .rman scripts and RIS pattern UI's
#    RMSWorkspace.ini          - loads custom RIS pattern nodes
#    RMS.ini                   - loads custom TCL procs
#    it.ini                    - loads custom python scripts for "it" (Image Tool)
# The second environment variable points the RenderMan_for_Maya plugin to 
# our custom initialization scripts.
# The third environment variable points Maya to our custom mel scripts. 
#                      **IMPORTANT**
# MacOSX users must uncomment the next line.
# and comment the last line.