// batchRenderRI.mel
// See also batchrender.py, batchdatabase.py and batchrif.py
// Specifying rifs must be done with care, for example,
//        batchRenderRI("rif_it ; rif_AB.Rif(1,2)", 1,1);
// or
//        batchRenderRI("rif_it.Rif() ; rif_AB.Rif( 1,2 )", 1,1);
// or
//        batchRenderRI("rif_it.Rif() ; rif_AB.Rif( [1,2] )", 1,1);
// Rif modules, such as rif_AB, that accepts one or 
// more inputs MUST do so via a list. The __init__ method shown below uses
// a single input called arg_list.
//        class Rif(prman.Rif):
//            def __init__(self, ri, arg_list):
//                # code omitted
// Started: 22 Jan 2013
// Edited: 15 Aug 2014. 
//            Uses "untitled" if the scene has not been saved. In preparation
//            for RMS19/RIS we now use rmanGetGlobals to return either,
//                renderManGlobals (Reyes) or renderManRISGlobals (RIS)
//            25 Sept 2016.
//            Can now handle render layers. 
// Malcolm Kesson
global proc batchRenderRI(string $rifstr, int $genrib, int $do_render)
string     $projPath = `workspace -q -rootDirectory`;
string     $sceneName = `file -q -sceneName -shortName`;
string     $scene = "'" + (size($sceneName) == 0 ? "untitled" : $sceneName) + "'";
string     $proj = "'" + $projPath + "'";
int       $begin = `getAttr "defaultRenderGlobals.startFrame"`;
int        $end = `getAttr "defaultRenderGlobals.endFrame"`;
int     $anim = `getAttr "defaultRenderGlobals.animation"`;
int     $index = `getAttr renderLayerManager.currentRenderLayer`;
string    $layers[] = `listConnections renderLayerManager`;
string    $layer = $layers[$index];
string      $preferredRman = `rmanGetGlobals`;
int          $motion = `getAttr ($preferredRman + ".rman__torattr___motionBlur")`;
// Single frame mode...
if($anim == 0) {
    $begin = `currentTime -q`;
    $end = `currentTime -q`;    
    if($motion) {
        print("Motion blur is active.\n");
        setAttr "defaultRenderGlobals.endFrame" ($end + 1);
$rifs = "'" + $rifstr + "'";
print("Current Rman     " + $preferredRman + "\n");
print("Scene Name:      " + $scene + "\n");
print("Project Path:    " + $proj +  "\n");
print("Start Frame:     " + $begin + "\n");
print("End Frame:       " + $end +   "\n");
print("Render Layer:    " + $layer + "\n");
print("Immdiate Render: " + $do_render + "\n");
print("Rif Module(s):   " + $rifs + "\n");
// Uncomment one or both of the next two lines if you wish to avoid the use of 
// RenderMan Look Files and/or zipped archives.
//rman setPref DisableRifShaderAttachment 1;
//rman setPref DisableCacheInZip 1;
// Generate the ribs...
if($genrib == 1)
    rman  genrib -layer $layer;
string $args = $scene + "," + $proj + "," + $begin + "," + $end + ",\"" +
               $layer + "\"," + $do_render + "," + $rifs;
$batchstr  = "import batchrender\n";
$batchstr  += "reload(batchrender)\n";
$batchstr += "batch = batchrender.BatchRender(" + $args + ")";
print("Executing python: \n" + $batchstr + "\n");