# batchrender.py
# See also batchRenderRi.mel, batchdatabase.py and batchrif.py
# The base class, BatchDataBase, querries the RMS directory for the current
# project and populates the following database with lists of files and a few
# individual values such as the start and ending frame numbers.
# self.database = {'rootribs' : [], 'geomribs' : [], 'finalribs': [],
# 'rmanribs' : [], 'zippedribs': [], 'rlf': [],
# 'projpath': project, 'scenename' : scene,
# 'begin' : int(begin), 'end' : int(end) }
# An instance of the BatchRif class returns instances of the rifs the user
# wishes to apply. They are divided into two categores, those that should be
# applied to archived geometry ribs and those to be applied to XXX_Final ribs.
# The actual rif'ing is done by,
# BatchRif.applyRifsToRibs() and
# BatchRif.applyRifsToZips()
# 22 Jan 2013 Malcolm Kesson
# 10 Mar 2016 Added the rendering of XXX_DenoiseCrossFrame.job.rib (line 98)
# 23 May 2016 Added sorting the ribs so that renders to "it" are in the correct sequence.
# Auto rendering a batchrender script that specifies more than 112 frames
# is problematic. We now force the user to run the script manually.
# 26 May 2016 Because of problems with 32/64bit ctypes on Windows batchrender nolonger
# supports the running of python rifs on Windows. Rendering on Windows now
# works OK because of changes to the use of subprocess.
# 31 May 2016 Instead of writing a file called "batchrender" this script now writes
# a file with the name of the scene appended ex. "batchrender_myscene".
# 30 Nov 2016 If the frame range exceeds 100, for example, frame 1 to frame 245,
# multiple batch render files are generated. For example, on Windows:
# batchrender_myscene_1_100.bat
# batchrender_myscene_101_200.bat
# batchrender_myscene_201_245.bat
# batchrender_myscene_xframe_denoise.bat
# 8 Oct 2017 Corrected an error in getBatchScriptPath(), added the prman -progress flag
# and "export MAYA_USER_DIR=$MAYA_APP_DIR"
# Nov.2017 When running a batch script by double clicking, the terminal
# that opens does not acquire the values of environment variables so
# we resolve RMANTREE and MAYA_USER_DIR - see makeBatchRenderScripts().
# Feb.2018 For linux added "unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH" so that python helper apps can run.
import re, os, time, sys, subprocess
from batchdatabase import BatchDataBase
def main():
args = sys.argv[1:]
scene = args[0] # remove .ma or .mb
project = args[1] # full path to project
begin = args[2] # start frame
end = args[3] # end frame
layer = args[4] # render layer, example, "defaultRenderLayer"
immediate = args[5]
rifstr = args[6]
br = BatchRender(scene,project,begin,end,layer,immediate,rifstr)
class BatchRender(BatchDataBase):
DEFAULT_BATCH_NAME = 'batchrender_'
# Constructor
def __init__(self, scene,project,begin,end,layer,immediate,rifstr):
BatchDataBase.__init__(self, scene,project,begin,end,layer)
self.project = project
if os.name == "nt" and rifstr != '':
print('\nERROR: Rib filtering is not supported on Windows')
print(' batchRenderRI("",1,1);')
print(' batchRenderRI("%s",1,1);' % rifstr)
if rifstr != '':
# Get an instance of our rif handling class
from batchrif import BatchRif
logpath = project
rifjob = BatchRif(logpath)
rifs = rifjob.getRifsFromString(rifstr)
rifs = rifs[1:] # Ignore the first item
geomRifs = []
otherRifs = []
for rif in rifs:
if rifjob.isGeometryRif(rif):
# Static geometry is archived in the shared 'job' directory.
if len(geomRifs) > 0:
rifjob.applyRifsToRibs(geomRifs, self.database['geomribs'], 'ascii')
rifjob.applyRifsToRibs(geomRifs, self.database['rmanribs'], 'ascii')
# Format for rib-in-.zip will be automatically set to 'binary'
rifjob.applyRifsToZips(geomRifs, self.database['zippedribs'], self.database['projpath'])
rifjob.applyRifsToRibs(rifs, self.database['finalribs'], 'ascii')
self.rootribs = self.database['rootribs']
scriptpath = self.makeBatchRenderScripts()
doRender = int(immediate)
# Auto rendering a batchrender script that specifies more than 112 frames
# is problematic. Force the user to run the script from a terminal...
if len(self.rootribs) > 100:
doRender = 0
if doRender and len(self.rootribs) > 0:
# getBatchScriptPath
def getBatchScriptPath(self, beginAt, total):
numRemaining = total - beginAt
if numRemaining < 0:
return ""
last = total
if numRemaining >= BatchRender.RIBS_PER_SCRIPT:
last = beginAt + BatchRender.RIBS_PER_SCRIPT - 1
last = total
scriptname = BatchRender.DEFAULT_BATCH_NAME + self.database['scenename']
start = beginAt + self.database['begin'] - 1
end = last + self.database['begin'] - 1
scriptname += '_%d_%d' % (start, end)
if os.name == "nt":
scriptname += '.bat'
batchpath = os.path.join(self.database['projpath'], scriptname)
return batchpath
# makeBatchRenderScripts
# Writes one or more batch render scripts. In the case of multiple scripts
# each contains 100 lines of "prman -t:all PATH_TO_RIB" statements. If
# "immediate render mode" is ON the first script will automatically run but
# other scripts must be run manually.
def makeBatchRenderScripts(self):
if len(self.database['projpath']) > 0:
rootdir = self.database['projpath']
if os.name == "nt":
rootdir = self.convertToWindows(self.project)
rootdir = rootdir.rstrip('\\')
rootdir = rootdir.rstrip('/')
binpath = os.getenv('RMANTREE')
binpath = os.path.join(binpath, 'bin')
prmanpath = os.path.join(binpath, 'prman')
#print('os.name is %s' % (os.name))
if os.name == "nt":
prmanpath = self.convertToWindows(prmanpath)
# sort the ribs
ribs = self.database['rootribs']
# Nov.16.breaking into multiple scripts
batchpath = self.getBatchScriptPath(1, len(ribs))
# Nov.17.when running a batch script by double clicking, the terminal
# that opens does not acquire the values of environment variables so
# we resolve them here.
rmantree = os.getenv('RMANTREE')
mayapath = os.getenv('MAYA_USER_DIR')
f = open(batchpath, 'w')
if os.name == "nt":
f.write('export RMANTREE=%s\n' % rmantree)
f.write('export MAYA_USER_DIR=%s\n' % mayapath)
if os.name == 'posix':
f.write('unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n')
rib_counter = 1
num_batchscripts = 1
for rib in ribs:
if os.name == "nt":
rib = self.convertToWindows(rib)
f.write('"' + prmanpath + '" -cwd "' + rootdir + '" -t:all -progress "' + rib + '"\n')
if rib_counter % BatchRender.RIBS_PER_SCRIPT == 0:
path = self.getBatchScriptPath(rib_counter + 1,len(ribs))
if len(path) > 0:
f = open(path, 'w')
if os.name == "nt":
f.write('export RMANTREE=%s\n' % rmantree)
f.write('export MAYA_USER_DIR=%s\n' % mayapath)
if os.name == 'posix':
f.write('unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n')
num_batchscripts += 1
rib_counter += 1
# Look for a frame denoise rib, for example, 'perspShape_Denoise.0002.rib'
if len(ribs) == 1:
denoise_rib = ''
framedir = os.path.dirname(ribs[0])
frame_ribs = os.listdir(framedir)
for frame_rib in frame_ribs:
name = os.path.basename(frame_rib)
clipped = name[:-4]
if '_Denoise' in clipped:
denoise_rib = name
if len(denoise_rib) > 0:
denoise_rib_path = os.path.join(framedir,denoise_rib)
if os.name == "nt":
denoise_rib_path = self.convertToWindows(denoise_rib_path)
f.write('"' + prmanpath + '" -cwd "' + rootdir + '" -t:all "' + denoise_rib_path + '"\n')
else: # Look for a crossframe rib, for example, 'perspShape_DenoiseCrossFrame_MasterLayer.job.rib'
denoise_jobrib = ''
jobdir = os.path.join(rootdir,'renderman',self.database['scenename'],'rib','job')
job_ribs = os.listdir(jobdir)
for job_rib in job_ribs:
name = os.path.basename(job_rib)
clipped = name[:-8]
if '_DenoiseCrossFrame' in clipped:
denoise_jobrib = name
if len(denoise_jobrib) > 0:
# If there are multiple batch render scripts we "put" the denoise into a separate
# batch render script.
if num_batchscripts > 1:
denoise_batchpath = BatchRender.DEFAULT_BATCH_NAME + self.database['scenename'] + '_xframe_denoise'
denoise_batchpath = os.path.join(self.database['projpath'], denoise_batchpath)
if os.name == "nt":
denoise_batchpath += '.bat'
f = open(denoise_batchpath, 'w')
if os.name == "nt":
f.write('export RMANTREE=%s\n' % os.getenv('RMANTREE'))
f.write('"' + prmanpath + '" -cwd "' + rootdir + '" -t:all "' + os.path.join(jobdir,denoise_jobrib) + '"\n')
#if os.name == "posix" and sys.platform != 'darwin':
# f.write('read -p "Press any key to exit > " -nl junk')
os.chmod(batchpath, 0777)
return batchpath
# runBatchRenderScript
def runBatchRenderScript(self, fullpath):
if os.name == "posix":
os.chmod(fullpath, 0777)
if sys.platform == 'darwin': # MacOSX
args = ['open', fullpath]
else: # linux
args = ['sh', fullpath]
else: # windows
args = ['start', fullpath]
subprocess.call(args, shell=True)
def log(self, logname, logMsg):
f = open(os.path.join(self.project, logname), 'w')
localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
f.write('Time %s.\n' % localtime)
def print_database(self):
for rib in self.database['rootribs']:
print '--------------rootribs------------'
print rib
print '--------------geomribs------------'
for rib in self.database['geomribs']:
print rib
print '--------------finalribs------------'
for rib in self.database['finalribs']:
print rib
print '--------------rmanribs------------'
for rib in self.database['rmanribs']:
print rib
print '--------------zippedribs------------'
for rib in self.database['zippedribs']:
print rib
print '--------------rlf------------'
for rib in self.database['rlf']:
print rib
# Utility_____________________________________________
def convertToWindows(self, linuxpath):
pattern = re.compile(r"/")
return pattern.sub(r'\\', linuxpath)