// Pre Shape Mel Script
global proc wyvillEdgesRI() {
// Get the name of the shape node
string $shapeNode = `rman ctxGetObject`;
string $parents[] = `listRelatives -parent $shapeNode`;
string $tformNode = $parents[0];
string $attr;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "wyvill_maxEdges"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeNode $attr`;
int $wyvill_maxEdges = `getAttr $attr`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "wyvill_cacheName"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeNode $attr`;
string $wyvill_cacheName = `getAttr $attr`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "wyvill_cacheMode"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeNode $attr`;
int $wyvill_cacheMode = `getAttr $attr`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "wyvill_renderMode"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeNode $attr`;
int $wyvill_renderMode = `getAttr $attr`;
$attr = `rmanGetAttrName "wyvill_thickness"`;
$attr = `rmanGetFullSharedGeometricAttrName $shapeNode $attr`;
float $wyvill_thickness = `getAttr $attr`;
string $attrs_archive_path = getArchivePath($wyvill_cacheName + "_attributes");
vector $vertData[];
int $numVerts = -1;
int $numEdges;
if($wyvill_cacheMode == 0) { // Bake
$numEdges = getEdges($tformNode, $vertData, 1);
// Ensure we do not write (bake) more data than can be handled
// by the wyvillLines osl shader can handle.
$numVerts = $numEdges * 2;
int $maxVerts = $wyvill_maxEdges * 2;
if($numVerts > $maxVerts)
$numVerts = $maxVerts;
// Create an archive rib containing the two user attrs. For example,
// Attribute "user" "int verts_count" [100]
// Attribute "user" "point[400] verts_data" [ 400 xyzs ]
// "verts_count" will tell the osl shader that only the first 100
// points are valid - the remaining 300 points are "padding".
string $attrsStr;
$attrId = fopen($attrs_archive_path, "w");
$attrsStr = "Attribute \"user\" \"int verts_count\" [" + $numVerts + "]\n";
fprint($attrId, $attrsStr);
$attrsStr = "Attribute \"user\" \"point[" + $maxVerts + "] verts_data\" [\n";
fprint($attrId, $attrsStr);
int $n;
for($n = 0; $n < size($vertData); $n++) {
vector $vert = $vertData[$n];
fprint($attrId, $vert.x + " " + $vert.y + " " + $vert.z + "\n");
// Add "padding" vertices
if($numVerts < $maxVerts) {
int $padding = $maxVerts - $numVerts;
for($n = 0; $n < $padding; $n++)
fprint($attrId, "0 0 0\n");
fprint($attrId, "]\n");
else if($wyvill_cacheMode == 1) // Read
/* ignore */ ;
if($wyvill_renderMode == 2) { // wireframe
if(size($vertData) == 0 || $numVerts == -1) {
$numEdges = getEdges($tformNode, $vertData, 1);
if($numEdges > $wyvill_maxEdges)
$numVerts = $wyvill_maxEdges * 2;
int $n;
string $wire_archive_path = getArchivePath($wyvill_cacheName + "_wireframe");
$wireId = fopen($wire_archive_path, "w");
fprint($wireId, "Attribute \"dice\" \"int roundcurve\" [1]\n");
string $vertStr = "";
for($n = 0; $n < $numEdges; $n++)
$vertStr += "2 ";
fprint($wireId, "Curves \"linear\" [" + $vertStr + "] \"nonperiodic\" \"P\" [\n");
for($n = 0; $n < size($vertData); $n++) {
vector $vert = $vertData[$n];
fprint($wireId, $vert.x + " " + $vert.y + " " + $vert.z + "\n");
fprint($wireId, "] \"constantwidth\" [" + $wyvill_thickness + "]\n");
// Make the proxy object inactive...
if($wyvill_renderMode == 0 || $wyvill_renderMode == 2) {
RiAttribute "visibility" "int camera" 0;
RiAttribute "visibility" "int indirect" 0;
RiAttribute "visibility" "int transmission" 0;
// A utility to create a rib path for an archive to be saved
// in the project directories "data" folder.
global proc string getArchivePath(string $name) {
string $projpath = `workspace -q -rootDirectory`;
string $datapath = $projpath + "data/";
string $scenename = `file -q -sceneName -shortName`;
int $frame = `currentTime -q`;
string $fstr = "0" + $frame;
if($frame < 10)
$fstr = "000" + $frame;
else if($frame < 100)
$fstr = "00" + $frame;
$ribpath = $datapath + $name + "." + $fstr + ".rib";
return $ribpath;