Display "untitled" "framebuffer" "rgb" Format 400 400 1 Projection "perspective" "fov" 30 ShadingRate 5 LightSource "distantlight" 1 "intensity" 1.5 "from" [0 0 0] "to" [0 0 1] Translate 0 0 5 Rotate -30 1 0 0 Rotate 20 0 1 0 Scale 1 1 -1 WorldBegin ReverseOrientation TransformBegin Surface "plastic" "Ks" 0.6 # On OSX and Linux tclsh will need a full path ie. # /usr/bin/tclsh # On Windows you'll be able to specify only "tclsh" # The input values set the number of iterations and the thickness of the curve Procedural "RunProgram" ["/usr/bin/tclsh YOUR_PATH/hilbert.tcl" "4 0.01"] [-1 1 -1 1 -1 1] TransformEnd WorldEnd