Bumps from Lights

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This tutorial presents a technique for generating a 32 bit image that is suitable, once converted to a texture, for use as a displacement map that will produce a pattern of high frequency bumps. The 32 bit image is derived from an orthographic rendering of a square polygon lit by instances of a custom light source shader. The shader is implemented such that its lighting distribution, figure 1, produces a gradation of grayscale values on the square polygon that will cause the displacement map to produce hemi-spherical "bumps".

Figure 1
Light source - spherical drop-off profile

For example, the image shown in figure 2 was converted to a texture and used as a map to displace the polygon shown in figure 3.

Figure 2
Orthographic image of a polygon
illuminated by a single custom light source.

Figure 3
A polygon displaced by a texture map
from orthographic rendering of figure 2.

The tutorial uses a python script to write a pre-baked (archive) rib file that references an arbitary number of light sources. For example, figure 3 is an image of a polygon lit by 1600 lights distributed in a regular grid. Figure 4 shows the effect of using the image as a displacement map on a nurbs sphere. Despite the very high frequency of the bumps at the pole of the sphere the pattern displays very little aliasing - a benefit derived from the use of a texture map.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Basic Code

Because the bumps for the final image were required to be hemi-spherical, a custom light source shader, called BumpPointLight, was implemented. Its source code is shown in the first listing. The fall-off of the light has a profile shown in figure 1.

Listing 1 (

bumpPointLight(float intensity = 1,
                     radius = 0.01;
            string   __category = "bumpLight";
output varying float _output = 0;
illuminate(point "shader"(0,0,0)) {
    float dist = length(L);
    if(dist >= radius)
        _output = 0;
        _output = sqrt(radius * radius - dist * dist);
    _output = _output * intensity;
    Cl = _output;

The light source shader uses an output variable of type float so that its value can be used directly by the surface shader shown in listing 2.

Listing 2 (

bumpPointSurface(float  Kb = 4)
float   totalGray = 0,
illuminance("bumpLight", P) {
    if(lightsource("_output", gray)) {
        totalGray += gray;
Oi = Os;
Ci = Oi * Cs * totalGray * Kb;

Listing 3 is the python code that writes a pre-baked rib file that references the custom light source shader. If the script is run with Cutter the output rib file will be saved to the Cutter directory.

Listing 3 (

import sys, math, random
def regularGridOfLights(fileID, rad):
    dia = rad * 2
    repeats = 1/dia
    print("Lighting grid has %s by %s light sources" % (int(repeats),int(repeats)))
    count = 1
    for x in range(int(repeats)):
        for z in range(int(repeats)):
            fileID.write('\tTranslate %s %s %s\n' % (dia * (x + 0.5), 0, dia * (z + 0.5)))
            fileID.write('\tLightSource "bumpPointLight" %s "radius" %s\n' % (count, rad))
            count = count + 1
def main():
    fileID = open('./bumpPointLight.rib','w')
    radius = 0.0125
    regularGridOfLights(fileID, radius)
    print 'completed'
if __name__ == "__main__":

Finally, listing 4 provides a rib file that uses the baked lighting rig produced by The rib file is setup so that a 32 bit secondary image named "bumps.tif" is saved to the Cutter directory. The system call after WorldEnd converts the secondary image to a texture. The texture can subsequently be used to displace other objects.

Listing 4 (makeTexture.rib)

DisplayChannel "color Ci"
Display "bumps" "it" "rgba"
Display "+./bumps.tif" "tiff" "Ci"
Format 256 256 1      # <<-- use for initial tests
#Format 4096 4096 1    # <<-- use for final tests
Projection "orthographic"
ShadingRate 1
ScreenWindow -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5
Translate  0 0 1
Rotate -90 1 0 0
Rotate 0   0 1 0
Scale 1 1 -1
        Translate -0.5 0.0 -0.5        
        ReadArchive "./bumpPointLight.rib"
    Surface "BumpPointSurface" "Kb" 40
        Polygon "P" [-0.5 0 -0.5  -0.5 0 0.5  0.5 0 0.5  0.5 0 -0.5]
                "st" [0 0  0 1  1 1  1 0]
System "txmake -mode periodic ./bumps.tif ./bumps.tex"

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