JPGs to MP4

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The ffmpeg application is a very powerful image processing suite of utilies but using ffmpeg requires a user to write one or more lines of code. You are to extend the basic python script that we developed in session 4 so that it can generate an ffmpeg script that can convert one or more sequences of .jpg files into their corresponding .mp4 movies.

For example, suppose a directory contains two sequences of jpg files,
    shot_camera1.0001.jpg to shot_camera1.0100.jpg
    shot_camera2.0001.jpg to shot_camera2.0100.jpg

Your python script when copied to the images folder and executed should write a file named, say, convertJPGToMP4.bat. When the .bat file is run by double clicking it will create two MP4 files,

The text in the convertJPGToMP4.bat file (written by your python script) will be of the following form.

ffmpeg.exe -i "./shot_camera1.%%04d.jpg" -s 960x640 -codec:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p "./shot_camera1.mp4"
ffmpeg.exe -i "./shot_camera2.%%04d.jpg" -s 960x640 -codec:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p "./shot_camera2.mp4"