A .rman script does not create the interface in Maya. That task is accomplished by a
Mel script that uses two Pixar Mel procedures, Naming Conventions
Cutter's authoring environment uses the following scripting and naming conventions.
It is assumed a custom UI should be implemented by a .rman script and (at least) two Mel scripts.
For example, the interface shown in figure 1 uses the following scripts.
Example - An Interface for a Procedural Primitive
This section provides a step-by-step example of creating a ".rman"
script and its associated Mel scripts from scratch. The work flow consists of three
steps. runProgramUI(); At render time the sphere does not appear in the image, instead, it is replaced by a cluster of points as shown in figure 4.
The reader should review the tutorial, RfM: Customizing before continuing. |
Declare param {string rp_python_path} { label "Helper App Path" description "The path to the procedural helper app." subtype file range {*.py} } |
Change the name of the param to |
Adding a Int SliderUse the popup menu to insert an "int" (slider) param block - figure 7. Then edit the code as shown below. |
Declare param {int rp_points_num} { label "Number of Particles" subtype slider range {1 10000 10} description "The number of particles to generate." } |
Adding a Float SliderUse the popup menu to insert a "float" (slider) param block - figure 8. Then edit the code as shown below. |
Declare param {float rp_points_width} { label "Particle Size" subtype slider range {0.001 1} description "The diameter of the particles." } |
The .rman script should now look like this, # runProgram.rman file rman "-version 1" { Declare param {string rp_python_path} { label "Helper App Path" description "The path to the procedural helper app." subtype file range {*.py} } Declare param {int rp_points_num} { label "Number of Particles" subtype slider range {1 10000 10} description "The number of particles to generate." } Declare param {float rp_points_width} { label "Particle Size" subtype slider range {0.001 1} description "The diameter of the particles." } } Although the coding of the .rman script has not been completed it can be pre-visualized in a browser. Previewing the UITo preview the interface defined by the ".rman" script use the keyboard shortcut alt + e, control + e or Apple + e. A representation of the user interface defined by the .rman script will open in a browser - figure 9.
Two more float slider widgets must be added to the .rman script. When complete the script should like this. |
Step 2.1 - Creating the UI Mel scriptRight mouse click anywhere in the .rman document and from the popup menu select "UI PreShape script" - figure 10.
The Mel script generated by Cutter should be saved as
runProgramUI.mel in the users
RfM_mel directory. Refer to the tutorial
"RfM: Customizing" for information about this
Step 2.2 - Creating the RI Mel script
Use the
The Mel script generated by Cutter should be saved as runProgramRI.mel in the users RfM_mel directory. |
Step 3 - Editing the Mel scriptsThe runProgramRI.mel script will require editing. The finished script is shown here. |
Using the ScriptsThe finished scripts ( should be saved in the following locations. maya/ |_ scripts/ | |_projects/ |_ RfM_mel/ |_ runProgram.rman |_ runProgramUI.mel |_ runProgramRI.mel
To add the interface to the shape node of surface follow these two steps.
© 2002- Malcolm Kesson. All rights reserved.