Python Rifs Getting Started 2

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This tutorial is an extension of the tutorial "Python Rifs Getting Started 1". The reader should carefully follow that tutorial before following the instructions shown on this page.

Using the Vertex Data to Place a "Cluster" of Points

Select both polymesh surfaces in Maya and execute the following MEL procedure in the Add_Primvar tab of the script editor.

addFloatPrimVar("render_mode", 1);

Save the following script shown in listing 5 as rif_mesh_geo5.py and edit the Rif_Py tab - as shown below. Note the use of the rif_mesh_geo5.Rif(200, 0.3, 0.02).

import batch
import rif_mesh_geo5
rifs = ['rif_it','rif_mesh_geo5.Rif(250, 0.3, 0.02)' ]
batch.render(1,1, rifs)

Listing 5 - rif_mesh_geo5.py

import prman
from rif_utilities import MeshDB
from rif_utilities import getFloatPrimvar
from rif_utilities import genPointsAroundVertex
class Rif(prman.Rif):
    MESH = 0
    POINTS = 1
    def __init__(self, ri, num, rad, width):    
        prman.Rif.__init__(self, ri)
        self.num = num      # number of points clustered per vertex
        self.rad = rad      # radius of each cluster
        self.width = width  # the size of the points in each cluster
    def PointsGeneralPolygons(self, nloops, nverts, verts, params):
        render_mode = int(getFloatPrimvar('render_mode', params, Rif.DEFAULT_MODE))
        if render_mode == Rif.MESH:
            self.m_ri.PointsGeneralPolygons(nloops, nverts, verts, params)
        mesh = MeshDB(nloops, nverts, verts, params)
        vertices = mesh.getVertices()
        vert_counter = 0
        for vert in vertices:
            extra_points = genPointsAroundVertex(self.num, vert, self.rad, vert_counter)
            points_params = { 
                         prman.Ri.P : extra_points, 
                         prman.Ri.CONSTANTWIDTH : self.width 
            vert_counter += 1
        if render_mode == Rif.POINTS_AND_MESH:
            self.m_ri.PointsGeneralPolygons(nloops, nverts, verts, params)

Using the new rif should produce an image similar to figure 5.

Figure 5

Using the Vertex Data to Place a Curve around each Face

Save the following script shown in listing 6 as rif_mesh_geo6.py and edit the Rif_Py tab - as shown below. Note the use of the rif_mesh_geo6.Rif(0.05).

import batch
import rif_mesh_geo6
rifs = ['rif_it','rif_mesh_geo6.Rif(0.05)' ]
batch.render(1,1, rifs)

Listing 6 - rif_mesh_geo6.py

import prman
from rif_utilities import MeshDB
from rif_utilities import getFloatPrimvar
class Rif(prman.Rif):
    MESH = 0
    CURVES = 1
    def __init__(self, ri, width):    
        prman.Rif.__init__(self, ri)
        self.width = width
    def PointsGeneralPolygons(self, nloops, nverts, verts, params):
        render_mode = int(getFloatPrimvar('render_mode', params, Rif.DEFAULT_MODE))
        if render_mode == Rif.MESH:
            self.m_ri.PointsGeneralPolygons(nloops, nverts, verts, params)
        mesh = MeshDB(nloops, nverts, verts, params)
        curves_verts = mesh.getAllLoops()    
        curves_params = {prman.Ri.P : curves_verts, 
                              prman.Ri.CONSTANTWIDTH : self.width
        self.m_ri.Curves(prman.Ri.LINEAR, nverts, prman.Ri.PERIODIC, curves_params)
        if render_mode == Rif.CURVES_AND_MESH:
            self.m_ri.PointsGeneralPolygons(nloops, nverts, verts, params)

Using the new rif should produce an image similar to figure 6.

Figure 6

Using the Vertex Data to Place a Curve at each Vertex Normal

Save the following script shown in listing 7 as rif_mesh_geo7.py and edit the Rif_Py tab - as shown below. Note the use of the rif_mesh_geo6.Rif(0.05).

import batch
import rif_mesh_geo7
rifs = ['rif_it','rif_mesh_geo7.Rif(1, 0.05)' ]
batch.render(1,1, rifs)

Listing 7 - rif_mesh_geo7.py

import prman
from rif_utilities import MeshDB
from rif_utilities import getFloatPrimvar
class Rif(prman.Rif):
    MESH = 0
    NORMALS = 1
    def __init__(self, ri, length, width):    
        prman.Rif.__init__(self, ri)
        self.length = float(length)     # length of each line representing a normal
        self.width = width           # diameter of each line
    def PointsGeneralPolygons(self, nloops, nverts, verts, params):
        render_mode = int(getFloatPrimvar('render_mode', params, Rif.DEFAULT_MODE))
        if render_mode == Rif.MESH:
            self.m_ri.PointsGeneralPolygons(nloops, nverts, verts, params)
        verts_per_curve = []  # 2 verts per normal - base and tip
        curves_verts = []     # list of base and tip vertex coordinates
        mesh = MeshDB(nloops, nverts, verts, params)
        vertices = mesh.getVertices()
        for vert in vertices:    
            vx,vy,vz = vert
            nx,ny,nz = mesh.getAveNormal(vert)
            curves_verts.extend(vert) # coordinates of the base of a normal
            curves_verts.extend( [vx + nx * self.length, 
                                vy + ny * self.length, 
                                vz + nz * self.length] ) # ditto the tip
        curves_params = {prman.Ri.P : curves_verts, 
                         prman.Ri.CONSTANTWIDTH : self.width
        self.m_ri.Curves(prman.Ri.LINEAR, verts_per_curve, prman.Ri.NONPERIODIC, curves_params)
        if render_mode == Rif.NORMALS_AND_MESH:
            self.m_ri.PointsGeneralPolygons(nloops, nverts, verts, params)

Using the new rif should produce an image similar to figure 7.

Figure 7

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