MEL commands popup
The mel commands cache that Cutter uses for the display of its popup menu
has been improved. The use of the cache was introduced in
version 4.0.1 and subsequently improved in
version 4.2.0. The new cache now includes
11350 flags for 1068 MEL commands.
The previous version only included 8717 flags.
I had assumed that it would be impossible for a MEL command to define two flags with
EXACTLY the same short and long names. Infact, 41 MEL commands use duplicate names
ie. 340 flags. Because of my assumption, Cutter produced and subsequently used a
truncated cache. The new cache defines all the flags with the exception of those
that have duplicated names.

figure 1. Cutter version 4.2.0

figure 2. Cutter version 4.2.1