Introduction to Primvars

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In the RenderMan terminology an item of data that is "bound" to a geometric primitive is called a "primitive variable" or "primvar" for short. The values of a primvar are intended to effect the way a geometric primitive is shaded. This tutorial provides a brief overview of primvars, how they are specified in a rib file and how they are declared in an OSL shader.

Shading without a primvar

Figure 1 shows a polygon that has been shaded using the PxrDisney shader.

    Bxdf "PxrDisney" "PxrDisney1" "color baseColor" [1 1 0]
    Polygon "P" [-0.5 0 -0.5  -0.5 0 0.5  0.5 0 0.5  0.5 0 -0.5]

Figure 1

Shading via a primvar

In the next snippet of rib, the polygon has been given a primvar named "cs". Note PxrDisney is receiving values from the OSL shader named use_cs - listing 1.

    Pattern "PxrOSL" "use_cs1" "string shader" "use_cs"
    Bxdf "PxrDisney" "PxrDisney1"
         "reference color baseColor" ["use_cs1:resultRGB"]
    Polygon "P" [-0.5 0 -0.5  -0.5 0 0.5  0.5 0 0.5  0.5 0 -0.5]
               "varying color cs" [1 0 0   0 1 0   0 0 1   1 1 1]

Because the polygon has 4 vertices, the primvar can bind 4 rgb values - one for each vertex. The OSL shader uses "cs" color values that have been smoothly interpolated by PRMan across the surface of the polygon.

Figure 2

Listing 1 (use_cs.osl)

use_cs(color cs = 1 [[int lockgeom = 0]],
     output color resultRGB = 0)
resultRGB = cs;

In the next snippet of rib an OSL shader called "hole" (listing 2) sets the size of a circular patch of zero "presence" (figure 3).

    Pattern "PxrOSL" "hole1" "string shader" "hole"
            "float radius" 0.45
            "float blur" 0
    Bxdf "PxrDisney" "PxrDisney1"
            "reference float presence" ["hole1:resultF"]
            "float specular" [0.0]

Figure 3

Listing 2 (hole.osl)

hole(float radius = 0.5,
     float blur = 0,
     output float resultF = 0)
point p = transform("object", P);
point origin = point(0,0,0);
float dist = distance(p, origin);
resultF = smoothstep(radius - blur, radius + blur, dist);

Alternatively, the radius could be controlled by a primvar in which case the OSL shader needs to be modified - listing 3.

    Pattern "PxrOSL" "hole1" "string shader" "hole"
    Bxdf "PxrDisney" "PxrDisney1"
            "reference float presence" ["hole1:resultF"]
            "float specular" [0.0]
    Polygon "P" [-0.5 0 -0.5  -0.5 0 0.5  0.5 0 0.5  0.5 0 -0.5]
            "constant float radius" [0.05]

For more information about primvars refer to Pixar's,
    " Application Note #22 - Class Specifiers for Primitive Variables".

OSL Parameter Declaration

The code for a version of the "hole" shader that uses a primvar is given in listing 3. Note the "radius" parameter is tagged as a primvar,

    float radius = 0.5 [[int lockgeom = 0]]

Listing 3 (hole.osl)

hole(float radius = 0.5 [[int lockgeom = 0]],
     float blur = 0,
     output float resultF = 0)
point p = transform("object", P);
point origin = point(0,0,0);
float dist = distance(p, origin);
resultF = smoothstep(radius - blur, radius + blur, dist);

The advantage of using a primvar is that several objects can be effected a single shader - figure 4. The rib file used to render the image can be viewed here.

Figure 4

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